When Masons support the Elysée
The Express reveals correspondence between the pattern of GLNF and Nicolas Sarkozy. Et les services politiques qu'il a rendus au président. Policies and services he has rendered to the President.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy at the Congress of Mayors of France November 23, 2010 in Paris.
Under the header of the great master of the French National Grand Lodge (GLNF, 43,000 brothers), the missive, dated January 19, 2009 - The Express that has procured - shared with Nicolas Sarkozy's "active support Christian Blanc, Hortefeux, Roger Karoutchi, Hubert Falco and Christine Boutin ".
The letter, signed Francois Stifani, adds: "I tell them every assistance they need in their projects, as all masons of my obedience does with you. You are the first president with whom we are in complete agreement.
Such a declaration of love for politics is unprecedented from a Masonic organization.
Nicolas Sarkozy meets Francois Stifani, grand master of the GLNF: "The confidence you have shown me and the strong support which you assure me comfort me in my determination to continue the reform movement initiated."
This exchange of sweet words remained discreetly checked before being exhumed a few days ago. L'Elysée a authentifié la lettre envoyée par Nicolas Sarkozy, en réponse à celle signée François Stifani. The Elysee has authenticated the letter from Nicolas Sarkozy, in response to that signed Francois Stifani.
A letter that "part of a manipulation"?
Requested by L'Express, the grand master of the GLNF told by his lawyer that he did not deliver the letter, which "involved a manipulation." Sans préciser laquelle. Without specifying which. Un collaborateur du leader franc-maçon at-il pu fabriquer la missive à son insu et l'envoyer au président ? A writer for the leading Freemason he could make the letter without his knowledge and send to the president? Mais, dans cette hypothèse, François Stifani aurait dû être surpris que Nicolas Sarkozy le remercie de lui avoir adressé un message de soutien. But in this case, Stifani Francis should have been surprised that Nicolas Sarkozy thank him for sending him a message of support.
The only response from the president is an embarrassment to the leading Freemason. Car la GLNF a une obligation de parfaite neutralité vis-à-vis des pouvoirs publics, comme l'impose sa règle en 12 points. For GLNF has an obligation to complete neutrality vis-à-vis the public authorities, as required by his 12-point rule.
It outlaws all its members "in its midst any discussion or political or religious controversy." A l'extérieur de l'obédience, le grand maître se montre, lui, politiquement très actif. Outside the obedience, the great master himself shows him politically very active. "Dès que François Stifani rencontre un conseiller de l'Elysée, il lui propose ses services", confie Alain Bauer , ex-grand maître du Grand Orient de France (GODF) et proche de Nicolas Sarkozy. "As soon as Francis Stifani meet a counselor at the Elysee, he offers his services," says Alain Bauer , former Grand Master of the Grand Orient de France (GODF) and close to Nicolas Sarkozy.
Collaborations questionable
In an interview in L'Express in September 2010 , Claude Gueant, secretary general of the Elysee, confirmed he had met several times Francois Stifani, before revealing: "He, in the case of a delicate social situation manage, made a positive contribution. "
Specifically, according to reports, the grand master of the GLNF flexes its Masonic networks in Guadeloupe, to help the government to establish dialogue with the son of the LKP Elie Domota, during the long crisis of January-March 2009 .
In the following winter, Francois Stifani, "as grand master of a major French persuasions", presents a report to Nicolas Sarkozy on the organization of Muslims in France.
After the outcry over this revelation, the person minimizes, citing a "personal reflection". Quant à l'échange de missives entre François Stifani et Nicolas Sarkozy, sa diffusion gêne le grand maître, car elle dévoile les relations tissées entre lui et certains ministres. As for the exchange of letters between Nicolas Sarkozy and François Stifani, diffusion hinders the great master, because it reveals the relationships forged between him and some ministers. Cette nouvelle affaire va-t-elle intensifier la crise interne qui secoue la GLNF depuis un an? This new case will she step up the internal crisis that has shaken the GLNF past year?
Further Reading:
Freemasonry in France, Belgium (E.U.), Monaco and French Africa