(above - "by their fruits you shall know them"
The Siri Thesis contends that actually
Cardinal Siri was elected pope after the death of Pope Pius XII
in 1958, but the newly-elected Pope (Gregory XVII, formerly
Cardinal Siri) was threatened, prevented from taking the Papal
Chair and replaced by Roncalli (John XXIII). In 1958 during the
Conclave, the Houston Chronicle held a picture on the front page
with the Conclave news on one side, and the picture of the
hydrogen bomb on the otherside proof indeed that the enemies of
the Church were threatening Siri with mass destruction if he took
the Chair of Peter. Pursuant to this thesis, all of the apparent
'popes' after Pope Pius XII were/are bogus, as Siri was the true
Siri died in 1989 and is said to have passed on the true
pontificate to an as yet unknown successor, who will emerge in
due time after the eclipse of the Church predicted at LaSalette
has come to an end. It was a suppressed pontificate in the person
of Cardinal Joseph Siri of Genoa, who was canonically elected in
1958, but immediately overthrown, and was intimidated into
keeping silent about his status (as were his cardinals) for 31
The anti-popes who replaced Siri did away with the true Mass and
sacraments. No true pope could ever have done such things. That
the obscuration of the pope was the prerequisite step for taking
away the Mass seems to have been foretold by Melanie Calvat, one
of the young seers of La Salette apparition of Our Blessed
Mother. Our Lady of La Salette declared to Melanie: "The Church
will be in eclipse." "Eclipse" means hidden; covered up; seeming
to disappear. The Holy Scriptures say: "Where there is Peter,
there is the Church." Melanie understood that Peter would be
hidden along with the Church, and that his "eclipse" would be a
prelude to the disappearance of the Mass. For, in commenting on
this part of the secret, Melanie said to the French Abbot Combe,
"The Church will be eclipsed. At first, we will not know which is
the true pope. Then secondly, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will
cease to be offered in churches and houses; it will be such that,
for a time, there will not be public services any more. But I see
that the Holy Sacrifice has not really ceased: it will be offered
in barns, in alcoves, in caves, and underground." (Abbot Combe:
"The Secret of Melanie and the Actual Crisis", Rome, 1906,
"Therefore when you shall see "the abomination of desolation"
which was spoken of by Daniel the Prophet (Daniel 9:27), standing
in the holy place (he that readeth, let him understand) then they
that are in Iewrie, let them flee to the mountaines...." Matthew
"" . . . the abomination of desolation foretold, was partly
fulfilled in diverse profanations of the Temple of Jerusalem,
when the sacrifice and service of God was taken away. But
specially it shall be fulfilled by Antichrist and his Precursors,
when they shall abolish the holy Mass, which is the Sacrifice Of
Christ's Body and Blood, and the only sovereign worship due to
God in His Church . . . By which it is plain that the heretics of
those days will be special fore-runners of Antichrist." (Matthew
24:15 - "Annotations," The New Testament, 1582, The English
College of Rhemes, John Fogny, page 71)
The Will of Christ Jesus
Therefore, if anyone says that it is not by
the institution of Christ the Lord Himself (that is to say, by
divine law) that blessed Peter should have perpetual successors
in the primacy over the whole Church; or that the Roman Pontiff
is not the successor of blessed Peter in this primacy:let him be
anathema. (Vatican Council 2,5)
<<B>The Siri Thesis
Bella V. Dodd spent a good deal of her prime
adult years working for the Communist Party in America. During
the 1930's and 1940's she worked diligently for the Communist
cause in America while she taught school, participated in Unions,
practised law and involved herself in politics in order to bring
socialism upon the country. In the early 1950's she became
disillusioned by the lie of Communism, broke with the party, and
was instructed in the Catholic Faith by none other than Bishop
Fulton J. Sheen. She was baptized by Bishop Sheen in April of
At that time she gave lectures to expose the satanic scourge and
testified that:
"In the 1930's, we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in
order to destroy the Church from within."
"Right now they are in the highest places, and they are working
to bring about change in order that the Catholic Church will no
longer be effective against Communism."
She also said that the changes would be so drastic that in 10
years, "you will not recognize the Catholic Church."
Manning Johnson, a former official of the Communist Party in
America, gave the following testimony in 1953 to the House
Un-American Activities Committee:
"Once the tactic of infiltration of religious organizations was
set by the Kremlin... the Communists discovered that the
destruction of religion could proceed much faster through
infiltration of the Church by Communists operating within the
Church itself. The Communist leadership in the United States
realized that the infiltration tactic in this country would have
to adapt itself to American conditions and the religious make-up
peculiar to this country. In the earliest stages it was
determined that with only small forces available to them, it
would be necessary to concentrate Communist agents in the
seminaries. The practical conclusion drawn by the Red leaders was
that these institutions would make it possible for a small
Communist minority to influence the ideology of future clergymen
in the paths conducive to Communist purposes."
Further on in his testimony, Mr. Johnson pointed out the grim
fact that:
"This policy of infiltrating seminaries was successful beyond
even our communist expectations."
The Siri Thesis
Precisions on the Great Disaster (from Catholic Catholic Prophecy
by Yves Dupont)
St. Matthew 24:39: "And they did not understand until the flood
came and swept them all away."
"..The Church is persecuted; the Pope leaves Rome and dies in
exile; an anti-pope is installed in Rome; the Catholic Church is
split, leaderless and completely disorganized..."
Pius IX - "There will be a great prodigy which will fill the
world with awe. But this prodigy will be preceded by the triumph
of a revolution during which the Church will go through ordeals
that are beyond description."
From St. Malachy: De Mediatate Lunae (From the Midst of the
Moon", often translated, "From the Half of the Moon"). The
biblical symbolism of the "moon" is "the worldly kingdom" or the
temporal order." This Pope may therefore be elected from the
midst of cardinals who are mainly influenced by worldly ideas
(social gospel, etc.), or he may be elected at a time when the
forces of Satan (the "Prince of this World") have virtual control
of the entire earth via their secret government, possibly even
influencing the papal election, so that an agent of the world
antichrist government is elected Pope."
De Labore Solis ("Of the Labor of the Sun"). This is the same
symbol of that of Apocalypse 12:1-5, of a woman clothed with the
sun in labor to give birth to a son, who subsequently rules the
earth with "a rod of iron." H.B. Kramer, interpreting the
Apocalypse in his Book of Destiny, maintains this figure
represents a highly disputed papal election (dispute = labor;
woman = Church; sun = light of divine truth).
St. Pius X - "I saw one of my successors taking to flight over
the bodies of his brethren. He will take refuge in disguise
somewhere; and after a short retirement he will die a cruel
Pius XII "We believe that the present hour is a dread phase of
the events foretold by Christ. It seems that darkness is about to
fall on the world. Humanity is in the grip of a supreme
Old German Prophecy. "...The doctrine will be perverted, and they
will try to overthrow the Catholic Church..."
Nicolas of Fluh "The Church will be punished because the majority
of her members, high and low, will become so perverted. The
Church will sink deeper and deeper until she will at last seem to
be extinguished, and the succession of Peter and the other
Apostles to have expired. But, after this, she will be
victoriously exalted in the sight of all doubters."
Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser (17th Cent.) "The fifth period is one
of affliction, desolation, humiliation, and poverty for the
Church. Jesus Christ will purify His people through cruel wars,
famines, plague epidemics, and other horrible calamities. He will
also afflict and weaken the Latin Church with many heresies. It
is a period of defection, calamities and extermination...
46.3. "During this period the Wisdom of God guides the Church in
several ways: 1) by chastising the Church so that riches may not
corrupt her completely; 2) by interposing the Council of Trent
like a light in the darkness, so that the Christians who see the
light may know what to believe, 3) by setting St. Ignatius and
his Society in opposition to Luther and other heretics; 4) by
carrying to remote lands the Faith which has been banned in most
of Europe.
46.6 "During this unhappy period, there will be laxity in divine
and human precepts. Discipline will suffer. The Holy Canons will
be completely disregarded, and the Clergy will not respect the
laws of the Church. Everyone will be carried away and led to
believe and to do what he fancies, according to the manner of the
46.7 "They will ridicule Christian simplicity; they will call it
folly and nonsense, but they will have the highest regard for
advanced knowledge, and for the skill by which the axioms of the
law, the precepts of morality, the Holy Canons and religious
dogmas are clouded by senseless questions and elaborate
arguments. As a result, no principle at all, however holy,
authentic, ancient, and certain it may be, will remain free of
censure, criticism, false interpretation, modification, and
elimitation by man.
46.8 "These are evil times, a century full of dangers and
calamities. Heresy is everywhere, and the followers of heresy are
in power almost everywhere. Bishops, prelates, and priests say
that they are doing their duty, that they are vigilant, and that
they live as befits their state in life. In like manner,
therefore, they all seek excuses. But God will permit a great
evil against His Church: Heretics and tyrants will come suddenly
and unexpectedly; they will break into the Church while bishops,
prelates and priests are asleep. They will enter Italy and lay
Rome waste; they will burn down the churches and destroy
51.1 (Nursing Nun of Bellay, 1810-1830) "Once again the madmen
seem to gain the upper hand! They laugh God to scorn. Now, the
churches are closed; the pastors run away; the Holy Sacrifice
51.2 "Woe to thee, corrupt city! the wicked try to destroy
everything; their books and their doctrines are swamping the
world. But the day of justice is come...
52.2 (Jeanne le Royer, Sister of the Nativity) "I saw a great
power rise up against the Church. It plundered, devastated, and
threw into confusion and disorder the vine of the Lord, having it
trampled underfoot by the people and holding it up to ridicule by
all nations. Having vilified celibacy and oppressed the
priesthood, it had the effrontery to confiscate the Church's
property, and to arrogate to itself the powers of the Holy
Father, whose person and whose laws it held in contempt."
53.1 (Ven. Anna-Katrina Emmerick) "I saw also the relationship
between the two popes. . . I saw how baleful would be the
consequences of this false church. I saw it increase in size;
heretics of every kind came into the city )of Rome). The local
clergy grew lukewarm, and I saw a great darkness...
53.2 ""Once more I saw that the Church of Peter was undermined by
a plan evolved by the secret sect, while storms were damaging
Comment: Many prophecies predicted an anti-pope and a schism and
53.3 "I saw a strange church being built against every rule. . .
No angels were supervising the building operations. In that
church, nothing came from high above. . . There was only division
and chaos. It is probably a churchof human creation, following
the latest fashion, as well as the new heterodox church of Rome,
which seems of the same kind...
53.4 "I saw again the strange big church that was being built
there (in Rome). There was nothing holy in it. I saw this just as
I saw a movement led by Ecclesiastics to which contributed
angels, saints and other Christians. But there (in the strange
big church) all the work was being done mechanically (i.e.,
according to set rules and formulae). Everything was being done,
according to human reason...
53.5 I saw all sorts of people, things, doctrines, and opinions.
There was something proud, presumptuous, and violent about it,
and they seemed to be very successful. I did not see a single
Angel nor a single saint helping in the work. But far away in the
background, I saw the seat of a cruel people armed with spears,
and I saw a laughing figure which said: 'Do build it as solid as
you can; we will put it to the ground.'"
Comment: Two different churches seem to be indicated in this
passage. First, a puppet church set up by the Freemasons, and a
"strange church" comprising "all sorts of people and doctrines"
(perhaps in the name of Ecumenism), which will follow modern
trends. This church is "unholy and humanistic," but it is
Communist inspired, but it is the perfidious who would want to
pull it to the ground. It is a new church claiming to be the true
Catholic Church, if two popes are elected at the same time which
they were; one false, one true. Some prophecies seem to warrant
the inference that the true Catholic Church will disappear
completely for a while as an organization, but, although
disorganized, it will survive in the persons of the faithful
members of the clergy and laity who will go underground.
53.21 "Among the strangest things that I saw, were long
processions of bishops. Their thoughts and utterances were made
known to me through images issuing from their mouths. Their
faults towards religion were shown by external deformities. A few
had only a body, with a dark cloud of fog instead of a head.
Others had only a head, their bodies and hearts were like thick
vapors. Some were lame; others were paralytics; others were
asleep or staggering.
53.23 "Then, I saw that everything that pertained to
Protestantism was gradually gaining the upper hand, and the
Catholic religion fell into complete decadence. Most priests were
lured by the littering but false knowledge of young
school-teachers, and they all contributed to the work of
Comment: 6 non-Catholic ministers were invited to Vatican 2 in
order to "help" in the changes of the Liturgy, break down the
altars, place the tabernacle elsewhere, and set up a Cranmer
Before he was installed in the Chair of Peter, Karol Wojtyla said
of this age:
"We find ourselves in the presence of the greatest confrontation
in history, the greatest mankind has ever had to confront. We are
facing the final confrontation between the Church and the
Anti-Church (John 23rd, Paul 6, John Paul 1, John Paul 2),
between the Gospel and the Anti-Gospel." (four anti-popes against
the four Gospels of Christ)
Ven. Anna-Katrina Emmerick:
53.24 "In thence days, Faith will fall very low, and it will be
preservedin some places only, in a few cottages and in a few
families which God has
protected from disasters and wars."
53.25 "I see many excommunicated ecclesiastics who do not seem to
be concerned about it, nor even aware of it. Yet, they are
automatically (ipso facto)excommunicated whenever they cooperated
to [sic] enterprises, enter into associations, and embrace
opinions on which an anathema has been cast. It can be seen
thereby that God ratifies the decrees, orders, and interdictions
issued by the Head of the Church, and that He keeps them in force
even though men show no concern for them, reject them, or laugh
them to scorn."
53.30 "I saw that many pastors allowed themselves to be taken up
with ideas that were dangerous to the Church. They were building
a great, strange, and extravagant Church. Everyone was to be
admitted in it in order to be united and have equal rights:
Evangelicals, "Catholics", sects of every description. Such was
to be the new Church. But God had other designs.
55. The Prophecy of Premol (5th century). "...And I see the King
of Rome with his Cross and his tiara, shaking the dust off his
shoes, and hastening in his flight to other shores. Thy Church, O
Lord, is ton apart by her own children. One camp is faithful to
the fleeing Pontiff, the other is subject to the new government
of Rome which has broken the Tiara. But Almighty God will, in His
mercy, put an end to this confusion and a new age will begin.
Then, said the Spirit, this is the beginning of the End of
Comment: From this prophecy, it is clear that the true Church
will be faithful to the Pope (Gregory XVII, formerly Cardinal
Siri) in exile; whereas, the new "Pope" in Rome will be, in fact,
an anti-pope. But, since a number of other prophecies tell us
that the true Pope (Cardinal Siri, Gregory XVII) will die in his
exile (1989), it follows then that the true Church will be
leaderless for some time (now 43 years). Then, it is not
difficult to anticipate what the anti-pope and renegade
"hierarchy" and clergy will say: "See, your so-called Pope is
dead; and who can give you a new Pope now? Our cardinals have
already elected the new Pope, he is here in Rome." And, indeed,
since the true Church will be completely disorganized, and the
faithful Cardinals isolated, no new true Pope could be elected,
and thus a large number of Catholics will be misled into
accepting the leadership of the anti-pope.
Such a schism could not happen if the Pope followed A. C.
Emmerick's advice "to stay in Rome". "But", she said, "the Pope
is still attached to the things of the earth." And, as is said
elsewhere, "He will want to save what he thinks can be saved." In
other words, the true Pope, whoever he is at that time, will use
his human judgment and leave Rome, instead of remaining firm in
the face of the invaders.)
84. St. Thomas' Apocalypse -- Apocrypha (1st century). "Every man
shall speak that which pleaseth him, and my priests shall not
have peace among themselves but shall sacrifice unto me with
deceitful minds. Then shall the priests behold the people
departing from the House of the Lord and turning unto the world.
The House of the Lord shall be desolate and her altars will be
abhorred. The place of holiness shall be corrupted, and the
priesthood polluted."
85. Holzhauser (17th century). "The Great Monarch will come when
the Latin Church is desolated, humiliated, and afflicted with
many heresies..."
86. B. Rembordt (18th century). "These things will come when they
try to set up a new kingdom of Christ from which the true faith
will be banished."
87. Oba Prophecy. "It will come when the Church authorities issue
directives to promote a new cult, when priests are forbidden to
celebrate in any other, when the higher positions in the Church
are given to perjurers and hypocrites, when only the renegades
are admitted to occupy those positions."
88. Ven. Anna-Kartarina Emmerick (19th Cent.). "I saw again the
new and odd-looking church which they were trying to build. There
was nothing holy
about it... People were kneading bread in the crypt below... but
it would not rise, nor did they receive the body of Our Lord, but
only bread. Those who were in error, through no fault of their
own, and who piously and ardently longed for the Body of Jesus
were spiritually consoled, but not by their communion. Then, my
Guide [Jesus] said: 'THIS IS BABEL.' [The Mass in many
languages]." (This prophecy was made circa 1820 by Anna-Katarina
Emmerick, a stigmatized Augustinian nun and is recorded in The
Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich by Rev. Carl E. Schmoeger,
Comment: The New [Order] Missal is an ominous sign of the
destruction to come, and these dire forebodings are in complete
accord with what the prophecies say, and which can be paraphrased
thus: "They wanted to make a new church, a church of human
manufacture, but God had other designs. The Church will seem to
be destroyed, and the enemy shall overcome Rome. The pastors
shall be scattered, persecuted, tortured, and murdered. The Holy
Father shall have to leave Rome, and he shall die a cruel death.
An anti-pope shall be set up in Rome."
..In the 15th century, the Church's great sin was immorality, but
Faith was alive. Then came the Reformation, and the wars of
religion. Today, however, the Church's sin is even greater
because it is a sin against the first of the cardinal virtues,
namely Faith. The punishment must needs be commensurate. The
latest and most significant contribution to the process leading
up to this is the New Missal, a pre-heretical [sic] rite, which
has made the Mass as changeable as the passing fashions of the
At the 1958 conclave Siri was only 50 years old, and was the most
popular cleric in Italy. At 22 he was a priest and at 37 he was a
bishop. During the war, he organized soup kitchens for the poor.
He was a master of labor-management problems, it having been said
that he had settled more disputes, without strikes, than any
other man in Italy.
Cardinal Siri was born 400 years to the date after Christopher
Columbus died (May 20, 1506) on May 20, 1906.
He was bishop of Genoa for 41 years. Was credited with persuading
the retreating German forces in World War II not to blow up the
port. He was Pope Pius XII's chosen successor.
Expired on 2 May 1989 (Feast of Saint Athanasias) while saying
"Tibi Domine", Thing, Lord.
In 1967 he declared that for him the Council was "difficult labor
and a very great suffering."
1988 - "Aids is a chastisement from God." For Siri the major Evil
has been the abolition of Hope, the transmutation of the Saving
Mission of the Church into material Messianism, the primary sign
of which is the "conspiracy of silence on the Last Times."
"In the pontificate of Pius XII, Siri had been a prodigy becoming
bishop in 1944 and cardinal in 1953. He was said to have been
Pius' designated successor, and fought a rude battle with
Roncalli in the 1958 conclave....
Cardinal Siri did not like John XXIII (who even took the name of
anti-pope, John 23rd against Church teachings). He once said that
"it will take the Church fifty years to recover from his
'pontificate'." He did not like Paul VI, who completed the
Council, an event described by Siri as "the greatest disaster in
recent ecclesiastical history" (and by "recent" he meant in the
last five hundred years). Not surprisingly, therefore, the
Council was implemented in Genoa with foot-dragging slowness.
Siri's Altars did not face the people. Evening Masses were
discouraged. Women in trousers were denounced.
Siri termed Vatican II "the greatest mistake in history."
From the book, The Unelected Pope; Giuseppe Siri, Cardinal of the
Holy Roman Church (1993), by Benny Lai, pp. 296-297, from the
last recorded conversation with Cardinal Siri. The numbered items
are from the book, the comments from Sangre de Cristo
1. "On September 18, 1988, Cardinal Siri concluded his last
recorded conversation with the author by saying: 'A Pope just
barely elected (save by a miracle, and the Lord never does
useless miracles) - so what does he know, this poor man, of this
duty which faces him?'"
An admission of Siri's election. Siri did attempt to publicize
his election, but the media refused to print it as the media was
already under control of the Freemasons (Jews).
6. "I have faith in the forgiveness of the Lord and, therefore, I
am calm."
The 1958 Conclave
Caption from a photo published in 1958 prior to the Conclave of
Pope Pius XII: "Pigeon perches on Cardinal's Cap - Genoa, Italy"
- Giuseppe Cardinal Siri, Archbishop of Genoa, remained
unperturbed when a dove perched on his cap as he celebrated Mass
in the arena of the Orfei Circus here. The pigeon was one of a
flock released in tribute to the Cardinal. The Mass, said on an
altar set up in the center ring of the Big Top, was attended by
circus entertainers and a crowd of Genoese."
The words "pigeon" and "dove" are synonymous. Siri's dove was
white. The dove landing on a papabile has always been understood
to be the indication of the choice of the Holy Ghost who would be
"When Pope Pius XII fell out with Giovanni Battista Montini... it
was presumed Cardinal Siri would become Pope Pius XII's
successor. Pope Pius XII made him a bishop at 38 and a cardinal
at only 47..." In fact, Pope Pius XII named Siri as his desired
In 1958 various traditionally hostile groups such as the World
Jewish Congress and B'nai Brith (the Masonic lodge for perfidious
Jews) carried on a covert campaign for Roncalli.
In Italy, so strongly felt was the inevitability of Siri's
election in 1958 that the prophesy of Saint Malachy, describing
Pope Pius XII's successor a "Shepherd and Sailor" (Pastor et
Nauta), was commonly attributed to the illustrious Archbishop of
Genoa, Cardinal Siri. The maritime city had been his life-long
home, where he was born the son of a dockworker. It was the most
important seaport in the country, and birthplace of Christopher
Columbus. A Genoan newspaper would write:
"No one better than Siri could symbolize this motto: he is a
pastor of highest virtues, a captain of the ship, born and raised
on the sea." (Il
Lavoro, Genoa, Italy, May 3, 1989, p. 4.)
"...Moreover Pope Pius XII's protege, Archbishop Siri of Genoa,
seemed to be endowed with all the gifts calculated to ensure his
becoming a second Pacelli, whereas the opposition's own
candidate, Montini, was not to be reckoned on as a starter since
he was excluded from the Conclave, not having yet been raised to
the purple.
The witnesses have intimated that fulfilling all the essential
conditions (teacher, pastor and father) was Cardinal Siri,
Archbishop of Genoa, and that even the Pacellians were solidly
behind him. It even named the Pacellians: The Italian Cardinals
Ruffini, Tedeschini, Fumasoni-Biondi, Pizzardo, Siri, Mimi,
Micara, Canali, Ottaviani, Cicognani; the American Cardinals,
Spellman and McIntyre; the two German ones, Frings and Wendel:
the two Portuguese, De Gouveia and Cerejeira; the two Brazilians,
De Barros Camara and Da Silva; the two Argentinians, Caggiano and
Copello; the two Canadians, McGuigan and Leger; the Cuban,
Betancourt, the Ecuadorian, Torre and the Irish, D'Alton..."
"VATICAN CITY (AP) - Cardinals balloted Sunday without electing a
pope. A mix-up in smoke signals made it appear for about half an
hour that Pius XII's successor had been chosen. For a time
200,000 Romans and tourists in huge Saint Peter's Square were
certain the church had a new pontiff. Millions of others who
listened to radios throughout Italy and Europe also were certain.
They were certain. They heard the Vatican speaker shout
exultantly: 'A pope is elected.."
"The scene around the Vatican was one of incredible confusion.
White smoke from a little chimney atop the Vatican is the
traditional signal announcing the election of a new pope. Black
smoke indicates failure. Twice during the day smoke billowed from
the chimney. At noon the smoke at first came white but it quickly
turned unquestionably black. This was the sign the cardinals had
failed to elect on the first two ballots, at nightfall white
smoke billowed from the slender chimney for a full five minutes.
For all the outside world knew, a new pontiff had been
"Clouds of smoke were caught in search lights trained on the
Sistine Chapel chimney. 'Bianco! Bianco!' roared many in the
crowd. 'White, white.'
"The Vatican Radio announced the smoke was white. The announcer
declared the cardinals at that moment probably were going through
the rites of adoration for a new supreme pontiff. For a long time
Vatican Radio stuck to its insistence the smoke was white."
"Even high Vatican officials were fooled. Callori di Vignale,
governor of the conclave, and Sigismondo Chigi, the conclave
Marshall, rushed to takeup the positions assigned to them. The
Palatine Guard was called from its barracks and ordered to
prepare to go to St. Peter's Basilica for (the) announcement of
the new pope's name. But the guard was ordered back to barracks
before it reached the square. The Swiss Guard was also
"Chigi, in an interview with the Italian radio, said uncertainty
reigned in the palace. He added that this confusion persisted
even after the smoke had subsided and until assurances were
received from within the conclave that black smoke was intended.
He said he had been at three other conclaves and never before
seen smoke as varied in color as Sunday's. He told newsmen later
he would arrange to have the cardinals informed of Sunday's smoke
confusion in the hope that something can be done to remedy the
situation Monday."
"Priests and others working within the Vatican grounds saw the
white smoke. They started to cheer. They waved kerchiefs
enthusiastically, and figures
of conclavists -- cardinal's assistants -- in the windows of the
apostolic palace waved back. Possibly they, too, believed a pope
had been elected."
"The crowd waited in agony of suspense. Any pope elected would
ordinarily appear on the balcony within twenty minutes. The crowd
waited a full half
hour now wondering whether the smoke was meant to be black or
white. Doubt set in swiftly. Many in the vast crowd began to
drift away. But still there was confusion. News media had flashed
around the world the word that a new pope had been chosen."
"Telephone calls poured into the Vatican, jamming its exchange.
As time wore on and doubts increased, the callers all asked one
question: "Black or white?"
"After a half hour, radios began to chatter excitedly that the
answer was still uncertain. Only well after the time when a new
pope should have appeared on the balcony above St. Peter's Square
was it certain that the voting would have to resume Monday at 10
a.m. (3 a.m. CST). The crowd now aware of this, dissipated
quickly. Grayish wisps of smoke still spiraled from the chapel
chimney..." ("Cardinals Fail To Elect Pope In 4 Ballots; Mix-up
In Smoke Signals Causes 2 False Reports," The Houston Post,
October 27, 1958, Section 1, pages 1 & 7. On the other side
of the page there was a picture of a hydrogen bomb blast.)
Reports of Siri's papal election and forced surrender of office
in 1958 are strengthened by the 27 October 1958 Corriere della
Sera. The Milan
newspaper stated on the previous evening, white clouds of smoke
ascended from the Sistine Chapel stovepipe for several minutes,
to thunderous cheers of "Bianco! Bianco!" from the piazza below.
When gray smoke followed a short time later, Prince Chigi
telephoned the Secretary of the Conclave, Msgr. Santoro, who was
inside, to inquire as to what signal the conclave officials had
intended for the outside world. In his reply, Santoro instructed
Chigi to notify Vatican Radio that "in all certainty, the smoke
was white." Yet no Pope appeared on the Papal balcony. Father
Pellegrino, who had already announced repeatedly on Vatican Radio
that a new Pope had been elected, finally concluded in
frustration after a half hour: "It is not possible to cancel out
the impression of white smoke upon 300,000 people; the cause of
the error must be sought elsewhere."
According to a knowledgeable Italian priest who had conferred
with Cardinal Siri, this conservative bloc was actually
successful in electing Siri on the fourth ballot of the first day
of the conclave, October 26, 1958, which is the feast day of Pope
and martyr, Saint Evaristus, the fifth Pope of the Church. Siri,
who was the fifth Pope elected this century, is said to have
promptly accepted the office and announced that he would take the
name "Gregory XVII." Then, a shrill storm of protest was heard
from the reformers, who jumped to their feet to intimidate the
new Pope with the treat that they would immediately establish an
international schismatic church, were he to emerge from the
conclave as pope. However, they lied; they did it anyway.
It does not take much thought to realize that John XXIII violated
his sworn oath. And, because of notably the leaving of the
Conclave by Cardinal Tisserant to confer with the Jewish power,
the Conclave was rendered null and void, and thus could not
During Nunciature in Turkey, admitted "into the sect of the
Temple" receiving the name "Brother John" - so-called "Prophesies
of John XXIII, Pier Carpi, p. 52.
"I know Cardinal Roncalli very well. He was a Deist and a
Rationalist whose strength did not lie in the ability to believe
in miracles and to venerate the sacred." - Carl Jakob Burckhardt,
a high ranking freemason wrote in Journal De Geneve, quoted by
"The direction of our action: Continuation of the Work of John
XXIII and all those who have followed him on the way to the
templer universalisme." -Resurgence de Temple, p. 149 - a book
edited by the Masonic Templars themselves in 1975.
During his Nunciature in Paris, "Cardinal Roncalli attended in
civilian clothes the Great Lodge where he found again the Jesuit
Riquet. His adviser was Maurice Bredet, author of 'Mystic and
Magic,' who boasted that he had prophesied the Tiara to Cardinal
His "election" proclaimed under a "full moon". (See Masonic John
Paul II for explanation). Roncalli in 1958 took the name of John
XXIII, the same name as the Anti-Pope Baldasar Cosa in 1400s, who
usurped the papal office during the exile of the true pope, and
for a time carried out his usurpation in Rome itself. The policy
in the Roman Church is to never take the name of an anti-pope
unless it is to right the wrong of that anti-pope. Surely, this
was a cryptic signal because it was the beginning of the
destructive changes and invention of a new church.
Roncalli, when Nuncio to France, appointed a 33 Degree Freemason
and close friend, the Baron Yves Marsaudon, as head of the French
Branch of the Knights of Malta. This caused a major scandal for
the Pacelli papacy.
The same Yves Marsaudon would later gloat: "If there are still
some remnants of thought, reminiscent of the Inquisition, they
will be drowned in a rising flood of ecumenism and liberalism.
One of the most tangible consequences will be the lowering of
spiritual barriers that divide the world. With all our hearts we
wish for the success of John XXIII's Revolution." The dedication
and preface for Marsaudon's book was written by Charles Riandley,
Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of France
(Scottish Rite). Riandley wrote: "To the memory of Angelo
Roncalli,... Pope under the Name of John XXIII, Who Has Deigned
to Give Us His Benediction, His Understanding and His Protection,
... [and] To His August Continuer, His Holiness Pope Paul VI."
Riandley confidently predicted how the policies of Roncalli and
Montini would advance the Masonic agenda: "We are convinced of
the narrowness of the spiritual, cultural, scientific, social and
economic structures which up to our own time, have hindered the
actions and the thoughts of man... But these structures have
already been shattered in part. Some pontifical decisions have
contributed to this. We feel sure that they will be all destroyed
eventually... True, not everything is to be rejected; but what
cannot be saved will not be saved unless it is renovated."
When elevated to the College of Cardinals Roncalli insisted upon
receiving the red hat from the notoriously anti-clerical Vincent
Auriol, President of the Masonic "Fourth Republic" of France,
kneeling before him to have the red hat placed upon his head.
At social functions in Paris Roncalli was frequently seen
fraternizing with the Soviet Ambassador, M. Bogomolov, even
though the Soviet Union had resumed its pre-war policy of brutal
extermination of Catholics in Russia. Also a good friend of
Edouard Herriot, Secretary of the anti-Catholic Radical
Socialists (of France).
The Holy Office had kept a file on Roncalli since 1925, wherein
it stated, "suspected of Modernism." In 1925, Roncalli, who was
known for his unorthodox teachings, was abruptly removed from his
professorship at the Lateran Seminary in mid-semester and shipped
off to Bulgaria, thus beginning his diplomatic career. Of
particular concern to the Holy Office had been his continuing
close association with the defrocked priest, Ernesto Buonaiuti,
who was excommunicated for heresy in 1926.
Following Roncalli's "election" he summoned the conclavists back
to the Sistine Chapel for an unusual overnight post-election
session, politely threatening excommunication for noncompliance.
His principle use of the assemblage was to renew stern warnings
against any breach of conclave secrecy (lest some suspicious
details might leak out, exposing the irregular events to the
Roncalli received Kruschev's son-in-law and his wife, as John
Paul II would receive Gorbachev, in 1963. They received the
personal "blessing" of John XXIII. On this same occasion, John
XXIII was awarded the Soviet Balzen Peace Prize. (According to
the 1967 World Book Encyclopedia, "peace" to a Communist is the
condition when there is no longer any opposition to Communism.)
Not surprisingly, John XXIII's Vatican II Council refused to
condemn Communism as his 3 successors.
On of John 23rd's first acts was to make Giovanni Baptiste
Montini (the future Paul VI) a cardinal, something Pope Pius XII
refused to do after it was found Montini had been secretly
communicating with Stalin during World War II. John 23rd making
Montini a Cardinal positioned him to become Masonic "Pope" Paul
VI, which was apparently the gameplan all along, as suggested by
LIFE magazine's promotion of "Montini for Pope" in 1956 when he
was still only a bishop.
A few days before his death he made a prominent Roman Freemason,
Umberto Ortolani, a "Gentleman of His Holiness' a much coveted
title reserved for the patrician elite amongst Catholics. It was
a sign that John XXIII did not repent of his Masonic
affiliations, even on his death bed.
>From 30 Days magazine, Nov. 2, 1994 edition entitled "A John
XXIII Update"
"Our readers will remember that in our June 1994 newsletter
(Nuclear Horizons) we published a sensational statement by the
Grand Master of the Italian Grand Orient Order of Freemasons to
the effect that 'Pope' John XXIII had been initiated into the
Freemasons when he was Nuncio in Paris in the late forties.
We pointed out, that if this statement were true, Angelo Roncalli
(John XXIII) could not possibly have been validly elected to the
Supreme Pontificate. He would have been intrinsically ineligible
by reason of his automatic (ipso facto) excommunication under
Canon Law (No. 2335). Not being a Catholic, it was not possible
for him to be head of the Catholic Church."
Just prior to his death, according to Jewish sources (The War
Against the Jew, Dagobert Runes), Roncalli was preparing to make
a "Prayer of Reparation" to the Jews, which denies the Church and
applauds the Jews a mandate for all Catholics. It goes:
"We admit that over hundreds of years our eyes were blinded, so
as not to see the Beauty of Thy Chosen People and not to
recognize the features of our firstborn brother. We admit that
the sign of Cain is upon our forehead. For centuries Abel was
lying in blood and tears while we had forgotten Thy love. Forgive
us, O Lord, the curse we unjustly spoke out over the people of
Israel. Forgive us, that in their flesh we crucified You the
second time! We did not know what we were doing."
At an exhuming of the body of John XXIII relating to the
advancement of his cause for Beatification, the group of witness
present were shocked to find that the body in the coffin was
facing downward.
On pages 607 to 609 of his book, "The Keys Of This Blood,"
Malachi Martin, sinister perennial insider and eye-witness to the
'63 Conclave, admits that Siri was elected Pope [again] in 1963,
but that his election was "set aside" because of an outside
"communication" [interference] by an "internationally based
organization", regarding a "grave matter of [Vatican] state
security." He then tries to justify outside interference of the
conclave if it is conducted "by authorized persons" or if "the
very existence of the Vatican City-State or its members or
dependents" were at stake."
One should note that this is the same Malachi Martin, who
admitted to journalist, Benjamin Kaufman, that he had been
brought into the Vatican by the Jewish "Cardinal" Bea to dig up
dirt on prelates targeted for blackmail. Martin boasted that he
had been "shaking long-closeted skeletons in the faces of
cardinals who didn't quite want to do what Cardinal Bea and the
pope wanted at the Council... 'I saw cardinals sweating in front
of me'. Martin recalled... It was heady, having that power, 'and
I began to enjoy it.'" (Cincinnati Enquirer, 22 December
In one of his writings, Prince Scotersco, German cousin of Prince
Borghese, President of the Conclave which elected Montini to the
Supreme Pontificate, gives the following information concerning
the Conclave of 21 June 1963: "During the Conclave, a Cardinal
Our Lady of LaSalette Prophecy of
Antichrist's Lying Wonders
The La Salette appparition preceded the
Lourdes apparition to Saint Bernadette by 12 years. The Blessed
Virgin appeared on the now famous La Salette Mount in France to
two children. One was a little shepherd boy, 11 years of age, and
the other a poor, timid girl, 14 years of age. These two children
suddenly became famous in France, Italy, and throughout Europe.
The name of the boy is Peter Maximin Giraud; adn that of the
girl, Frances Melanie Mathieu. On Saturday, September 19, 1846,
between 2 and 3 o'clock in the afternoon, they both beheld the
apparition. It was recognized as worthy of credence by Pope Pius
IX on August 24, 1852, and has been known throughout the Catholic
World as Our Lady of La Salette. The following are the Secret
Messages beginning with Maximin's:
"Three fourths of France shall lose the Faith, and the other
fourth, that will preserve it, will practice it with
Peace shall not be given to the world until men will be
A Protestant nation in the North shall be converted to the Faith,
and through the means of that nation, the others shall return to
the Holy Catholic Church.
The next Pope shall not be a Roman.
Afterwards this peace shall be disturbed by the monster. The
monster shall arrive at the end of this nineteenth century or, at
latest, at the commencement of the twentieth.
In this time the Antichrist will be born of a nun of Hebraic
descent, a false virgin, who will have intercourse with the
ancient serpent, with the master of impurity and putrefaction.
His father will be a bishop. He will perform false miracles and
subsist only on vitiating faith. He will have his brethren, who
will be children of evil but not incarnate devils like himself.
Soon they will be at the head of armies, supported by the Legions
of Hell.
Up, ye children of Light, and fight! For behold, the age of ages,
the end, the extremity is at hand! Teh Church passes into
eclipse. The world will be in a state of consternation,
perplexity and confusion.
Enoch and Elias, they will suddenly appear on earth full of the
Spirit of God, when the Church becomes darkened and the world in
terrible agony. They will convert those of good will and comfort
the oppressed Christians. With the help of the Holy Ghost, they
will have great success against the heresies of the Antichrist.
But in the end they will be delivered unto death."
"What I shall tell you now will not always remain a secret. You
are allowed to publish it after the year 1858.
There will be a kind of false peace before the advent of
Antichrist. Man's only thought will be upon diversions and
amusements. The wicked will indulge in all sorts of sin, but the
children of the Holy Church, the children of the Faith, my
sincere followers, will wax strong in the love of God and in the
virtues that are dear to Me. Happy the humble souls that are
guided by the Holy Ghost. I will fight with them until they shall
have reached the completion of age.
Italy will be severely punished for her efforts to shake off the
Yoke of the Most High Lord. She will become the play-ball of war.
On every side blood will flow. The churches will either be closed
or desecrated. Priests and members of Religious Orders will be
put to flight. They will be beaten to death and otherwise die
cruel deaths.
The Vicar of My Son will be compelled to suffer much because for
a time the Church will be delivered to great persecutions. That
will be the hour of darkness, and the Church will experience a
frightful crisis. The powerful officials of the State and the
Church will be suppressed and done away with, and all law and
order as well as justice. There will be murder, hate, envy and
deceit, with no love or regard for one's country or family.
God is going to punish in a manner without example. Woe to the
inhabitants of the earth! God is going to exhaust His wrath, and
nobody shall be able to evade so many combined evils. At the
first stroke of His fulminating sword the mountains and the whole
of nature shall shake with terror, because the disorders and
crimes of men pierce the very Vaults of the Heavens. The earth
shall be stricken with every kind of plagues. (Besides the
pestilence and famine, which shall be general.) There shall be
wars until the last war, which shall be waged by the ten kings of
the Antichrist. All these kings shall have a common design, and
they only shall govern the world. Priests and Religious shall be
hunted; they shall be butchered in a cruel manner. Many shall
abandon the Faith, and great shall be the number of Priests and
Religious who shall separate themselves from the True Religion;
among these there will be found likewise several bishops. Let the
Pope be upon his guard against miracle-workers, for the time is
arrived when the most astounding prodigies will take place on the
earth and in the air.
Lucifer, with a very great number of demons will be unchained
from hell. By degrees they shall abolish the Faith, even among
persons consecrated to God. They shall blind them in such a
manner that, without very special graces, these persons shall
imbibe the spirit of those wicked angels. Many religious houses
will entirely lose the Faith, and shall be the cause of the loss
of many persons. The Superiors of Religious communities should be
alert regarding the ones they take into the community, for the
devil will use all malice, to bring persons into the Orders who
are addicted to sin.
Bad people will abound upon the earth; and the spirit of darkness
shall spread over the earth a universal relaxation about
everything relating to the Service of God. Satan shall have very
great power over nature (God's punishment for the crimes of men);
temples will be erected for the worship of these demons. Some
persons shall be transported from one place to another by these
wicked spirits, even some priests, because these will not be
animated by the Holy Spirit of the Gospel, which is a spirit of
humility, charity, and zeal for the Glory of God.
Some will seem to make the dead rise and appear as holy persons.
The souls of the damned shall also be summoned, and shall appear
as united to their bodies. Such persons, resurrected through the
agency of demons, shall assume the figure of holy persons, who
are known to have been upon earth, in order more easily to
deceive them. These self-styled resuscitated persons shall be
nothing but demons under their forms. In this way they shall
preach a gospel contrary to that of Jesus Christ, denying the
existence of Heaven.
In every place there shall be seen extraordinary prodigies,
because the True Faith has been extinguished, and a pale light
shines in the world.
My Son's Vicar shall have much to suffer, because for a time the
Church shall be exposed to very great persecutions. This shall be
the time of darkness. The Church shall have to pass through an
awful crisis. France, Italy, Spain, and England shall have Civil
War. Blood shall flow through the streets. French shall fight
French, Italians against Italians. After this there will be a
frightful general war. For a time God shall not remember France,
nor Italy (for two years or for one?), because the Gospel of
Jesus Christ is no more understood. The Holy Father will suffer
much. I will be with him to the end to receive his sacrifice. The
wicked shall many times attempt his life.
Nature demands vengeance against men, and she trembles with
fright in expectation of what will befall the earth sullied with
crimes. Tremble, O earth! And tremble you also who make
profession of serving Jesus Christ, but inwardly worship
yourselves, because God has delivered you to his enemies, because
corruption is in holy places.
In the year 1865 the abomination shall be seen in Holy Places, in
Convents, and then the demon shall make himself as the king of
hearts. It will be about that time that Antichrist shall be born.
At his birth he shall vomit blasphemies. He shall have teeth; in
a word, he shall be like an incarnate demon; he shall utter
frightful screams; he shall work prodigies; and he shall feed on
impure things. He shall have brothers, who, though not incarnate
demons like him, shall nevertheless be children of iniquity. At
the age of twelve years they shall have become remarkable for
valiant victories, which they shall achieve; very soon each of
them will be at the head of armies. Paris shall be burned, and
Marseilles shall be submerged; many great cities shall be
shattered and swallowed up by earthquakes. The populace will
believe that everything is lost, will see nothing but murder, and
will hear only the clang of arms and sacrilegious
I address a pressing appeal to the Earth. I call upon the True
Disciples of the Living God Who reigns in the Heavens; I call
upon the True Imitators of Christ made Man, the Only True Savior
of mankind; I call upon My children, those who are truly devoted
to Me, those who have offered themselves to Me that I may lead
them to My Son, those whom I carry as it were in My arms, those
who have been animated by My Spirit.
Further Reading: