Special to Freemasonry Watch
January 8, 2004
by Barry Chamish
The name of the book is, 50 Jewish Messiahs by Jerry Rabow (Gefen Publishing, Jerusalem). It is an informative but shallow overview of just what the title says, but in its shallowness lies vital depth. We begin with Chapter 17, about the "most damaging messiah to the Jewish people," Shabbatai Zvi. First we'll read Rabow and then add commentary opening Rabbi Antelman's work to the wide world.
pp 91 - Shabbatai Zvi was born in Smyrna, Turkey on the ninth of Av, 1626. The ninth day of Av is the day of a triple tragedy for the Jewish nation. According to tradition, the First Temple, the Second Temple and Bar Kokhba's Betar fortress all fell on this day.
pp 93 - He changed the holiday celebrations and violated the dietary prohibitions. All of this followed from his declaration that the usual rules were inapplicable to messianic times.
pp 95 - He declared that the coming of the messianic era meant that the biblical commandments were no longer binding. He proclaimed that God now permitted everything.
** This is Rabbi Antelman's central assertion; that Shabbataism was the polar opposite of Judaism. That Shabbatai Zvi's program was to destroy all the tenets of the Torah and replace them with their opposites. Incredibly, more than half the Jews of the world at the time, believed he would be revealed as their promised messiah: **
pp 101 - Then he finally made the announcement for which the Jewish community had been waiting for 1600 years - he would begin the Redemption on the 15th day of the month of Sivan, June 18, 1666.
** There are many who will recognize the significance of the date. June is the sixth month, 18 divided by three is 6+6+6 and 1666 is clear enough. Either he knew what he was doing or the prophesies of the emergence of an evil false messiah or anti-Christ are right, and Shabbatai Zvi was him. **
pp 110 - Through all of this, Shabbatai continued to issue proclamations of the theological changes wrought by the coming of the messianic age. Shabbatai's new prayer was, "Praised be He who permits the forbidden." Since all things would be permitted in the age of the messiah, Shabbatai declared many of the old restrictions of the Torah no longer applicable. He abolished the laws concerning sexual relationships. He eventually declared that all of the thirty six major biblical sins were now permitted and instructed some of his followers that it was their duty to perform such sins in order to hasten the Redemption.
** Shabbatai's fall from grace among the great masses of Jews came in September 1666, when the Sultan of Turkey threatened him with torture unless he converted to Islam. He relented and most of Jewry abandoned him. But not all. A core of his followers kept their messiah alive and kicking hard. **
pp 112 - In order to bring on the Reformation, Shabbatai had descended into the darkness of the Muslim world to gather the scattered fragments of the light of creation hidden there. There was an outward reality and an inner reality. Nathan transformed Shabbatainism into a theology of paradox. Once the followers accepted the concept of paradox, they would be able to keep on believing in Shabbatai Zvi...An inner circle of his followers accepted the explanations of Nathan and continued to believe in Shabbatai the Messiah.
** The Shabbatai followers continued their hidden life in the Turkish sect of the Donmeh, whose activities continue to this day, as reported extensively this year, even by the staid Jerusalem Post. One of the Donmeh followers was Jacob Frank, who would transform Europe and the world into a Shabbataian hell barely a century later. **
pp 121 - The Donmeh now converted the Shabbataian Purim into an annual orgy, when members exchanged spouses for a ceremony called "extinguishing the lights." The Donmeh justified their Purim orgies, and their regular practise of sharing wives and engaging in other sexual activities, by citing biblical precedents.
pp 123 - Although Jacob Frank (1726-1791) was born fifty years after the death Shabbatai Zvi, he deserves to be regarded as Shabbatai's true successor.
pp 125 - Frank's followers requested ecclesiastic protection on the grounds that their own beliefs were not Jewish but rather, "anti-Talmudist."..The bishop declared that the "anti-Talmudists", Frank's followers, were entitled to practise their religion, and ordered that all copies of the Talmud within his diocese be seized and burned. Now under the protection of the crown, adoring followers gave Frank huge donations to his movement.
pp 127 - He extended the paradoxical teachings of Shabbatai Zvi that the coming of the messianic age had transformed sexual prohibitions of the bible into permissions and even obligations. According to Frank, engaging in sexual orgies now became the means to purify the soul from its sins. Debauchery became therapy...Frank convinced his followers that the only way for their special form of Judaism to survive was for them to outwardly become Christians, just as the Donmeh had descended into the world of Islam...In February, 1759, the Frankists told the Church they were ready to be baptized...The Frankists promised to deliver 5000 new Christians from Poland, Moravia, Hungary and Turkey.
pp 130 - The Frankists also became involved in international political intrigue, and sent secret emissaries to the Russian government and the Eastern Orthodox Church offering to help in the overthrow of Poland and the Catholic Church...By 1786, Frank suffered temporary financial problems, and moved his court to Offenbach, near Frankfurt. There Frank's money problems were somehow solved. The source of Frank's immense wealth is not clear. He may have used his movement's system of secret messengers and clandestine cells to engage in the constant political turmoil involving Austria-Hungary, Turkey and the Balkans.
** And now we reach the final depth of Rabow's understanding and let Rabbi Antelman take over. **
Frankfurt at the time was the headquarters of the Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, as well as Rothschild Brothers' financial empire. This is worth repeating: Frankfurt was the birthplace of both the Illuminati and the Rothschild empire. When Jacob Frank entered the city, the alliance between the two had already begun. Weishaupt provided the conspiratorial resources of the Jesuit Order, while the Rothschilds contributed the money. What was missing was a means to spread the agenda of the Illuminati and that the Frankists added with their network of agents throughout the Christian and Islamic worlds.
Jacob Frank became instantly wealthy because he was given a nice handout by the Rothschilds of Frankfurt. There is no other explanation.
And from this starting point, Rabbi Antelman gave us a blueprint for the war against Judaism and all its good, and indeed against humanity and all its moral treasures. A movement of complete evil now took hold. The Jesuits' goal was the destruction of the Protestant Reformation leading to a return of one pope sitting in judgement on all mankind. The Rothschilds goal was to control the wealth of the planet. And the Frankist vision was the destruction of Jewish ethics to be replaced by a religion based on the exact opposite of God's intentions. When these factions blended, a bloody war against humanity, with the Jews on the front lines, erupted and it is reaching its very pinnacle at this moment.
Rabbi Antelman traces the means of the worldwide reach of this ugliness. By the 1770s, the Illuminati was exposed and banned in Germany and then throughout Europe. Weishaupt made a strategic change that worked miracles for the international spread of his goals. He infiltrated agents into the Freemasonic lodges of England and Scotland, changing their highest tenets to his own, until every lodge in every nation accepted them. Thus, the Illuminati now had two centers of activity, Germany and Britain. It was from Germany to London that the apostate Jews Karl Marx and Frederick Engels were sent to devise the rot of communism. Shortly after that task was done, the Rothschilds sent their agents John Jacob Astor and Jacob Schiff from Germany to America. They financed the robber barons like Rockefeller and Morgan, who in 1922, founded the Council On Foreign Relations, to overthrow the American constitution and switch the nation's diplomacy to Illuminatiism.
In 1932, how many organizations in Germany represented German Jewry? Over 250. In 1933, how many? One, and one only; Labour Zionism. We will return to the significance shortly.
First, Rabbi Antelman's account continues. To corrupt the Jews, the Frankists adopted, at first, a humane policy of sorts. With Rothschild money and Jesuit power, the so-called Enlightenment was initiated by the German Jewish apostate Moses Mendelsohn. Napoleon was financed to liberate the Jews wherever he conquered and from Germany, the Reform and Conservative movements were financed to further dilute the faith and introduce totally foreign concepts to their congregations. But the pace wasn't fast enough. The ornery Jews just weren't cooperating with evil, so those stubbornly accepting Torah morality would have to be removed permanently and only those practising Shabbatainism would be permitted to survive.
Yes, in the 2000 years of European Jewish history there were pogroms, Crusades and Inquisitions, the latter aided and abetted by the Jesuits. But compared to what happened from the 1880s on, life was a tolerable picnic. The turning point in the final war against the Jews was the founding of Zionism by the Shabbataians. The final aim of the movement was to establish a Shabbataian state in the historical land of the Jews, thus taking over Judaism for good.
To foment the idea, life had to made so intolerable for Europe's Jews, that escape to Palestine would appear to be the best option. The Cossack pogroms were the first shot in this campaign and for them, the Frankists turned to the Jesuits and their influence over the Catholic Church. The Jesuits had done more to spread communism, beginning with their feudal communes in South America, and now they wanted to punish the anti-papists of Europe by imprisoning them behind communal bars. The deal was simple: The Jesuits provided the Cossacks, the Frankists, the communists. And naturally, the Rothschilds would provide the moolah.
Once the situation turned foreboding, the German-writing intellectuals took over. In Vienna in 1885, the journalist Natan Birnbaum fired the opening salvo which successfully planted the fast-growing seeds of Zionism. He was followed by another Vienna writer, Peretz Smoleskin, who provided more intellectual justification for returning to a safe home in Israel. However, neither man had the charisma of still another Vienna writer, Theodore Herzl. He could rally the masses as neither of them could and he was chosen to be the spokesman and symbol of the movement.
Read any honest biography of Herzl and the same quandary appears. Herzl claimed he wrote the Judenstaat one summer in Paris. But Herzl wasn't in Paris when he said he wrote the most influential book of Zionism. It had to have been written for him. Anyone who reads Herzl's dreadful plays, has to doubt his sudden departure from literary mediocrity.
In 1901, Herzl appeared in Britain where he was not well received. We are told he backed another option, creating a Jewish sanctuary in British - controlled East Africa. If the idea caught on, it would neutralize the Shabbataians' game plan. Herzl died not long after and not one biography of him tells us how. He entered a Paris sanatorium for a not known condition and never emerged. This was highly fortunate for the British Freemasons doing the Shabbataians' bidding, for they replaced Herzl with one of their own, a German-educated Jew named Chaim Weizmann. In time, a cockamamie legend was fabricated involving the Balfour declaration creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine as a reward for Weizmann finding a way to make acetone for explosives from dried up paint. Not one explosion in World War One came from this magic process. But the British took great pains to capture Palestine from the Turks and appoint the leaders of the upcoming Shabbataian state.
Meeting in London during the War, Weizmann and Balfour had to deal with the problem of the people already living in Palestine, most of whom were religious Jews, who were the majority in such major centers as Jerusalem, Sfat and Tiberius. The myth of an ancient Palestinian Arab indigenous population is belied by any number of reports by visitors as talented as Twain and Balzac, who accurately noted the paucity of Arabs in the land during the 19th century. The later economic success of the new enterprise drew hundreds of thousands of Arabs from as far away as Iraq to the region with consequences the Illuminati were possibly well aware of.
To neutralize the religious Jews, many of whom had been living in the land since antiquity, Balfour and Weizmann inducted Rabbi Avraham Kook into the fold and after the war, he was appointed the first Chief Rabbi of the enterprise, while Weizmann was made the first head of the Jewish Agency. Kook proceeded to strip the landed Orthodox Jews of their real estate and political rights, while introducing a new concept into Judaism; the purity of land redemption. His philosophy was based on profound historical truth, nonetheless, his followers don't understand how he and they are playing out the Shabbataian nightmare.
Stage one was complete. Now the real business at hand was revved up. Rabbi Antelman proves that the American President Woodrow Wilson was thoroughly corrupted by the Frankists through their agent Colonel House. It was Wilson who put an end to America's open immigration policy. Until then, despite all their despair, most Eastern European Jews rejected Palestine as an escape route, the majority choosing America as their destination. From now on very few would enjoy that option. It would have to be Palestine or nowhere.
We now jump to 1933. Less than 1% of the German Jews support Zionism. Many tried to escape from Naziism by boat to Latin and North American ports but the international diplomatic order was to turn them back. Any German Jew who rejected Palestine as his shelter would be shipped back to his death.
By 1934, the majority of German Jews got the message and turned to the only Jewish organization allowed by the Nazis, the Labour Zionists. For confirmation of the conspiracy between them and Hitler's thugs read The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black, Perfidy by Ben Hecht or The Scared And The Doomed by Jacob Nurenberger. The deal cut worked like this. The German Jews would first be indoctrinated into Bolshevism in Labour Zionism camps and then, with British approval, transferred to Palestine. Most were there by the time the British issued the White Paper banning further Jewish immigration. The Labour Zionists got the Jews they wanted, and let the millions of religious Jews and other non-Frankists perish in Europe without any struggle for their survival.
But not all Jews fell for the plan. A noble alternative Zionism arose led by Zeev Jabotinsky. He led the Jews in demanding free passage to Palestine and a worldwide economic boycott of the Nazi regime. The Labour Zionists did all in their power to short-circuit the opposition. First, they forced all the German Jews in Palestine to use their assets to buy only goods from Nazi Germany. This kept the regime afloat. Then Chaim Weizmann and his Jewish Agency employed their appointed agents in the US to neutralize Jabotinsky and his followers using any means at their disposal. This culminated in Jabotinsky's suspicious death in New York in 1941. Later, Jabotinsky's most literate advocate, Ben Hecht, was run over by a truck on a Manhattan sidewalk. His crime was being the first to widely expose the Jewish Agency-Nazi plot.
Into this plot against the Jews we add the Jesuits, who wished with all their hearts, to wreck the land that produced Luther, but the Vatican's role in the Holocaust is not the focus of this overview. We now return to America where the Jewish leadership used all their contacts and resources to make good and certain that the unwanted non-Shabbataian Jews of Europe never again saw the light of day.
We return to a quote from Jerry Rabow:
pp 132 - Frankist families, both those living as Christians and those living as Jews, tried to marry only among themselves. In the summers, the German groups regularly held secret meetings in the resort of Carlsbad...It is said by the middle of the nineteenth century, the majority of the lawyers in Prague and Warsaw were from Frankist families. United States Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter is reported to have received a copy of Eva Frank's portrait from his mother, a descendent of the Prague Frankist family.
Here is a quote from Frankfurter:
"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise their power from behind the
scenes."-- Justice Felix Frankfurter, U.S. Supreme Court.
The difference between Rabow and Rabbi Antelman is the latter proves that literally all of FDR's court Jews were German-descended Sabbataians, determined to purge Jewry of its unnecessary European, non-Sabbataian morality-believing cohorts. Here is a short list of these Jewish community leaders:
Felix Brandeis - Received Secondary School education in Germany. There, Englishman Jacob de Haas introduced him to Zionism.
Henry Morgenthau Jr., Stephen Wise, Bernard Baruch, Judah Magnes, Felix Warburg - All descended from German Jews. Here is a telling quote from the latter Frankist family:
"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether
World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." -- Statement made before the
United States Senate on Feb. 7, 1950 by James Paul Warburg ("Angel" to and active in the
United World Federalists), son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. which poured millions into the Russian Revolution through James' brother Max, banker to the German government.
When World War II ended, barely 100,000 European Jews survived and when they arrived in Palestine they had to obey Bolshevik edicts or starve to death. However, they weren't enough to stave off the number one threat to the Frankist state, the Arabs. The wrath of the savage tribes threatened the whole enterprise and only the infusion of large numbers of soldiers could stave off their invasion. To that end, European-controlled Arab dictators were persuaded to go against their national interests, stir up bloody anti-semitism and get the Sephardic Jews to Israel. Their first reward was wealth through seizure of Jews' assets.
Before the Shabbataians introduced it, there was no such thing as Jewish self-hatred. Their religion and heritage came as naturally as breathing. This was the state the Eastern Jews were in when they were driven to Israel. There, the Frankists had to apply all the lessons they learned turning German Jews into their image to change the newcomers. Every effort was made to divest these peoples of their faith and the results were often shattering. This is one reason, for instance, why Moroccan Jews who fled to France are so much better off than their families in Israel.
Initially, the American Frankists supported the new nation, believing it would soon spread darkness to the nations. But the Jews didn't cooperate and held on to their decency. That is when the CFR unleashed its evilest Frankists on the Jews once again. The most prominent of this lot is the German-born Henry Kissinger but the list is long and includes the Austrian-educated Madeleine Albright, and German descendents such as Joe Lieberman and Sandy Berger.
Today, the Frankist agenda is being promoted through the thinking of the German-born American philosopher, Leo Strauss. To show you all is not what it seems, here are a few words about him from a Jewish writer for the Executive Intelligence Report, run by the Jewish-born Germacentric, Lyndon LaRouche:
"If Strauss' influence on politics in the capital of the most powerful nation on Earth was awesome in 1996, it is even more so today. The leading "Straussian" in the Bush Administration is Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, who was trained by Strauss' alter-ego and fellow University of Chicago professor Allan Bloom. Wolfowitz leads the "war party" within the civilian bureaucracy at the Pentagon, and his own protege I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, is Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff and chief national security aide, directing a super-hawkish "shadow national security council" out of the Old Executive Office Building, adjacent to the White House. According to Bloom biographer Saul Bellow, the day that President George H.W. Bush rejected Wolfowitz and Cheney's demand that U.S. troops continue on to Baghdad, during Operation Desert Storm in 1991, Wolfowitz called Bloom on his private phone line to bitterly complain. It seems that "Bush 41" was not enough of a Nietzschean "superman" for Wolfowitz's taste"
Compare that report with this one recently published by the Jerusalem Post.
LONDON- A British coroner has rejected a German police claim that a 22 year old Jewish man from London, Jeremiah Duggan, committed suicide in March after attending a meeting of the far-right Schiller Institute in the German town of Wiesbaden.
The Schiller Institute draws its inspiration from American conspiracy theorist Lyndon LaRouche, who was among the speakers at the meeting...
He said, "Mum, I am in deep trouble. I am frightened." As he attempted to give his location, the line went dead."
Duggan made the fatal mistake of getting too close to the true connection between LaRouche and the Frankists. Their program calls for the brainwashing of Jews to hate themselves and they don't cotton to rebels. Here is how that is accomplished through the Israeli higher education system, as reported by Caroline Glick this week in the Jerusalem Post:
"Students speak of a regime of fear and intimidation in the classroom.
Ofra Gracier, a doctoral student in Tel-Aviv University's humanities
faculty explains the process as follows:
'It starts with the course syllabus. In a class on introduction to
political theory for instance, you will never see the likes of Leo
Strauss or Friedrich Hayek or Milton Friedman. You will only get Marx
and Rousseau and people like that. So, if you want to argue with Marx,
you are on your own. You don't know anything else.'"
The fatal error of Israeli Jews was rejecting the Frankists and their Labour Party. The Shabbataians would rather see the Arabs overrun Israel than witness the revival of a state run by true Judaism. They have thoroughly financed and infiltrated the high leadership and especially, far left groups, to prepare the ground for defeat. And if utter demoralization doesn't do the trick, read another local report issued this week:
Our contacts have reported that the following has been introduced by the
people preparing MEGA YAMIT.
IBA "B" reported, in three consecutive reports following the Geha
Junction islamic mass murder assault that GERMAN EXTREME RIGHT
WING Jews were those that performed the bombing.
(Refer to the IBA "B" records) .
Rabbi Antelman was right. He looked at the enemy and saw the mirror opposite of real Judaism. A war to the finish is on in Israel and it is being spread to the rest of the planet. Our salvation can only arise when the Arabs realize the Jews of Israel are fighting the same battle they are and against the same enemies. If they can't overcome the brainwashing and hatred, they'll go down along with Israel. And then the rest of the planet will follow.
I would guess that Jerry Rabow's book is only available in Israel. If anyone wishes I'll send them 50 Jewish Messiahs and Rabbi Antelman's To Eliminate The Opiate Volume Two for a very fair cost. Just write me at chamish@netvision.net.il
These two sites may help in your understanding of the German connection to planetary wickedness:
I gave an hour long interview on the subject this week. Go to the following site and click on the Tamar Yona program. I should be archived by now.
My books are:
Save Israel
If you want to order them, e-mail me at chamish@netvision.net.il
And to get those books donated to the skeptics of Israel:
Barry Chamish
And do remind your Hebrew reading friends to visit: http://chamish.tsedek.com
And your English-reading friends:
Additional Rabin Assasination Revelations with new Gaza pullout information
by Barry Chamish
May 20, 2004
Special to Freemasonry Watch
I am in Toronto and I open my e-mails. Five people have sent me
Ahronot's report on the Sharon giveaway. He had cut a deal with German
Foreign Minister Fischer of the Bilderbergs and American National
Advisor Rice of the Council On Foreign Relations. The Jews would be
forcibly from Gaza. The Gaza Strip would be extended into the Sinai.
would hand Egypt most of the Western Negev to replace the land it
to the "palestinian" state.
The forces of the New World Order had united against the Jews of
and Sharon was leading their charge. This time everyone meant business
would stop at nothing to get their way.
The next day the Likud would hold a referendum on Sharon's Gaza
giveaway. A rally was organized in Tel Aviv to defeat Sharon's
plans. A pregnant mother and her four young daughters were slaughtered
their way from Gaza to the rally.
I knew it was DELIBERATE. Our secret secret services had provided
intelligence to our Arab "enemies" enabling them to perform the most
ghastly of atrocities to wreck the anti-pullout movement.
But the referendum passes anyway and everyone I meet in Toronto
delighted. They actually believe that Israeli democracy has triumphed.
About 130 people gather for my lecture at the Toronto Zionist Center. I
tell all that they just don't get it yet. Nothing will stop the pullout
revenge against the referendum defeat will be swift, ugly and deadly.
Jews will die starting today and then Arabs too.
I fly to Miami to help film producer Peter Goldman put together
Rabin documentary. He is ebullient. Sharon was defeated by his own
party. I
say the same thing to him. If the New World Order wants something done,
they could give a hoot about silly democratic referendums. The
will begin and the Israeli public will be mind-controlled into
the uprooting of Jews from Gaza.
Then the blood starts flowing, but not just in Gaza. Thirteen
soldiers are blown apart when their WWII-vintage armored vehicles roll
powerful mines. You can be certain our secret secret services of the
"peace" camp gave the "enemy" the precise details needed to murder
young men.
Odd, I think, that an American APC in Iraq is blown apart the
way on the same day as the second Gaza attack with about the same fatal
Now, 75% of Israelis want a Gaza pullout and 100,000 gather in
Aviv demanding it. We're on our way, but one more little push is
So an Israeli tank shoots into a crowd of Gaza teenagers with
cameras rolling. This was NO ACCIDENT. Now world pressure for a Gaza
pullout will turn the tide.
Odd, I think, that an American missile blows up an Iraqi
just a few hours later with even more fatal results.
Coincidence? I'll stick with coordination. A lot of blood
will be
spilled until the Gaza surrender. But nothing will stop it. The Jews
leave, the religious nationalists will be totally demoralized. The only
people who believe in preserving a Jewish state will stop so believing.
a Sabbataian revival will replace love of Zion.
If not? Israel will face a new Holocaust as the CFR troops
up the Arab world to the boiling point. How do you humiliate the
sense of macho? You just go through your recruitment files and make
guards of the most perverse sadists on the list. And no one will figure
how you arranged all the fun.
The Tour
We began in Sacramento with a cancelled conference and Ruel
Jones saving the day. He hosted me and organized a successful last
home meeting. I don't deserve to know so many wonderful people. So
many, in
fact, that I can't name them all without boring you. So here are a few
San Francisco is highly under-promoted and the crowd small.
Ari Goldberg and Bob Savage shelter me and provide much consolation.
However, the ultimate compliment was the appearance of Gillian from my
newsgroup who flew all the way from Chicago to hear me. She was the
of many to so flatter me. I think of the distinguished attorney who
2000 miles to hear me in Toronto, the rock star Paul of Poker Face who
drove three hours to see me in Miami, not much further than the lovely
Annie Tread who honored me in the same way in the same city. Wherever I
appeared, people took great pains to see me and I will never forget
of them.
Reno was a nice improvement. Patty Lee did a nice job or
organization, which included a major talk show interview a few hours
the lecture. The wise "Country Rebbe," Menashe Bovits invited me to
at the Temple Emmanuel, a very mainstream synagogue. It was a
Mouths were agape for two straight hours. No one had ever heard even a
rumor about the Rabin assassination. In mid-speech I asked the crowd,
here has heard of Avishai Raviv? No one, not a soul knew who he was.
great is the American Jewish media coverup!
Off to Fort Collins, Colorado. There I speak at a synagogue
Friday night. There are about 100 in the congregation including
They perform a spirited kabalat shabbat service. Their faces are
black, American Indian, Nordic.These are Christians who returned to
Hebrew roots to be closer to their God. It's a wonderful idea. I know
suspicions in the Jewish world and I believe Jews were meant to be
What I saw was Christians showing deep respect for Jewish ceremonies
and I
liked it.
The next day was the triumph in Denver. Don Weidemann of
American Freedom Network had really made my visit unforgettable. About
people heard my Save Israel- Sabbataian lecture and when I concluded
hours later, I received a long standing ovation. In fact, this was a
highlight of my life. The lecture was filmed and I will try to
it as soon as I can.
Of note. Rabbi Marvin Antelman provided me a carton of his
book, To Eliminate The Opiate Volume II to sell at my Sabbataian
in Colorado and Toronto. It was no easy task hauling it from airport to
airport. But Toronto never saw a copy. Denver purchased the whole heavy
box. Rabbi Antelman's reputation is far more widespread than either of
Evidence In Toronto
Toronto was less hurried. I had a beautiful suite provided
me by the marvelous KC Black. And I had time to listen to people with
information. Steve of middleeastfacts.com called to inform me that he
interviewed a very important witness who I should meet. And very
he was. His name was Eli and he was the IDF officer responsible for
military security at the rally where Rabin was murdered. He had escaped
suspicions in Toronto. We drove to a restaurant to talk but he would
leave the car until he had told his story. Chain-smoking, the young and
athletic Israeli related the following:
"The Shabak controlled the security for the rally and
gave the police any duties. But more shocking, they gave me nothing to
They made it plain by ignoring me, that they just didn't want the army
there. I left the meeting and decided I'd send a jeep and crew
"I ordered the jeep to park near the stairs where Rabin
supposed to descend and then had a look around. It was at about 8:00
just before the rally was to begin that I saw a reserve officer from my
unit coming down the stairs from the stage. He had a security pin on
shirt but I didn't issue it to him. I asked him, 'What are you doing
I didn't call you here.' He answered that he came of his own volition.
asked him, 'Who issued you the security pass?' and he didn't answer me.
Something wasn't right and I decided to inspect the stage myself.
"I walked up the stairs with my gun in its holster. No
stopped me and there was no metal detector anywhere. On the stage I saw
Benny Lahav, he was the Shabak's personnel officer and he was busy
a flashlight at apartment windows opposite the square. That wasn't his
duty. He was supposed to be coordinating his forces, not playing with a
flashlight. I walked up to him and pointed to my gun, saying, 'I could
Rabin if I wanted to.' He answered, 'Why would you do that?' I replied,
'How did I get a gun on this stage without being stopped?' He ignored
question and went back to shining his flashlight off buildings.
"I stayed until the rally ended and decided I was no
needed. I ordered my jeep crew to stay backstage until everyone had
and took a bus home. Not ten minutes later, the crew radioed me that
something happened backstage and Rabin may have been hurt. But at that
moment I saw Rabin's limousine led by a squad car on Dizengoff Street.
assumed he was headed to a party in Herzlia Pituach and that everything
"Later, when I heard he was murdered, nothing made
What was Rabin's car doing so far from Ichilov Hospital? If he was
why was only one squad car accompanying him?
"The next day, I went to my base and expected, at a
minimum, to be dressed down, and more likely, to be stripped of my
Rabin was murdered on my watch and I knew I was going to be
for dereliction of duty. But my commander, Col. Uzi Arad, didn't call
In fact, he never asked what happened that night. And when the Shamgar
Commission convened, I expected to be called to testify about military
security at the rally. But I never was and I still don't know why.
"I knew I could have done better if I was a bit
and I left for Toronto to sort out my life. I was set up to fail and I
strongly suspected it was by the real murderers. Your book woke me up
that's why I wanted to talk to you."
Friday night Shabbat with Dr. Reuven Lexier and his lively
family. He has evidence for me. It is an account of Sam Bronfman's
relationship with Canada's Prime Minister in 1939, Mackenzie King, as
related by Mordechai Richler in an aged copy of Maclean's Magazine.
wrote that Bronfman conspired with King to make certain that no Jewish
refugees from the Nazis found a home in Canada. The evil of the
extends back further than many people know and does much to explain the
behavior of the bootlegger Sam's children, Charles and Edgar (CFR),
Not all is so serious. After my lecture, beautifully
organized by Atara Beck, as usual I offered an open invitation to
who so desired to meet me for drinks. Joining me were two academics,
one a
physics professor, both members of my newsgroup list.. The journalist
Marshall Shapiro was accompanied by a strikingly pretty lady named
Her mother was Jewish, she learned just months before, and her father
Norwegian. Her looks were all Scandinavian but her curiosity was now
Jewish. She had taken to lighting candles on Shabbat and learning her
prayers. Hers was a fascinating story and she had the charm to
any man who heard it.
Over time, I've grown comfortable in the presence of
beautiful women but my academic guests were too intimidated by Deanna's
beauty to even address her. This would not do for members of my list.
visiting hundreds of my advocates on my tours, I knew they all shared
same decency, intelligence and concern. It was just a question of
overcoming a little awkwardness.
Deanna asked me, "Is it easier to be a Jewish man or
woman?" I didn't really have a good answer so I turned to my
guests and said, "I can't answer this lady's question."
From then on the conversation flowed. I remember the
little human triumphs as much as a successful speech. I'm delighted to
bring the special people of my newsgroup together.
And Away We Go To Miami Beach
The Gaza pullout atrocities are building steam. I know
real bloodshed is coming. I am interviewed by such great radio hosts as
Stan Monteith, Keith Vyzgoth, Nelson Thall, Tsachi Gadish and repeat
message: The Gazan Jews are on the chopping block. The violence will
increase until they are chopped. Israelis are told that Gaza will be
last payment before peace. They can't see the Mafia extortion. The
will never stop until Jerusalem. The American-British CFR forces are
building their world war and a truncated Israel will be the biggest
It's 1938 all over. They are putting up walls again, not to keep Arabs
but to keep Jews in.
I ask, "Is it worth the life of one American to bring
democracy to Iraq?"
Peter Goldman informs me that three of the backers for
Rabin film have pulled out, taking half the budget with them. I think,
Australia again. Last year my Australian tour was marred when certain
upstanding Jews decided that taking down posters of my lectures and
censoring press coverage was the patriotic thing to do.
But Miami turns out to be different. All three local
papers publish impressive reports of my work. The Bnai Isaac synagogue
filled for my speech. A second lecture is hastily arranged in order to
Peter replacement backers. The Miami Jews are willing to listen.
I have just one stop left, the surprisingly pretty city
Birmingham, Alabama where I recorded two tv shows for Marge and Marvin
Randolph. It's now or never. I have to go fishing.
On my previous American tour I went deep-sea fishing in
Hawaii in nine foot swells and caught nothing but the most disgusting
seasickness ever suffered by man. Australia was an improvement. Gillian
Kevin Norman took me up the Murray River where Israeli techniques
wonders. The Israeli miracle bait is chicken fat and it caught me about
fifteen nice mullets. But the Murray River is not the open sea, so
was no danger of seasickness.
Miami was different. My one opportunity to try the
again came on the windiest day of the year. Beaches were closed because
the riptides, and the swells were again, nine feet. I was asking for it
getting on that boat. But my reckless nature
won out and I stepped onto the deck. I received my rod, put a little
chicken fat on the hook and let it sink into the waters of the marina.
brought in a pinfish within seconds.
My fellow fisherman, four Japanese tourists, were
impressed. No one had ever told them that a chicken can catch a fish.
We left the harbor and the rainstorm hit just as we
reached the open sea. The swells were ridiculous. The front of the boat
totally out of the water. We tilted 45 degrees left, then 45 degrees
Not ten minutes into the sea, the first Japanese angler rushed to the
"No," shouted a crewmate. "Over the side." Then came his buddies to
him. The first said to the skipper, "This is too much. We must go
The skipper explained that he was stuck on board for the next four
That is how long the three Japanese unwilling sailors lay prone in the
cabin. Their unsick buddy sat earnestly on his chair but not a fish bit
line all trip long. He told me, "We paid $125 to get sick and hold a
for nothing."
An hour before, the crewmate baited the other
anglers' hooks with baby swordfish. When he came up to me I turned down
bait. "I'm from Israel," I proudly stated. "And I'm using chicken fat."
"To catch fish?" he queried.
"That's why I'm here."
He grinned and walked to his own rod.
I noticed something. We were in a storm that
sink lesser boats. But I wasn't getting seasick in Miami. I threw my
in and was the first to hit a fish. I knew by its fight that it was
and probably pretty big. After an invigorating battle I brought
in a five pound ugly, inedible fish called a remora. I didn't care.
monster of the deep made me very happy.
The crewmate took it off the hook. He looked at
and said, "Chicken fat works."
"Yup," I answered. "Chicken fat works."
Of interest. I copied my English language video Who Murdered
Yitzhak Rabin to sell at my lecture venues. It's 2 1/2 hours long and
really impressive. I now have NTSC copies if anyone would like to
I'll be putting together a new book. In the meantime, as
you can order my English books, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, Israel
Betrayed, The Last Days Of Israel and Save Israel! by writing me at
by Barry Chamish
May 30, 2004
Special to Freemasonry Watch
The Israelis won't listen. For the past 10 days, since my
from my North American tour, I've been trying to explain that every
not short of the murder of Jews, is being used to throw the Jews out of
their Gazan homes. The reaction is consistent. From the religious Jews:
Torah is clear that no Jews will be uprooted from their homes in the
of Israel. From the secular: It's too unbelievable and if it's true, I
don't want to know.
Not that I'm alone in proving the worst. Makor Rishon has
published that the author of Sharon's pullout plan, Dov Weisglas, will
be a
partner in a giant casino to be built on the evacuated Gazan territory.
how long have I been exposing the Sharon-Weisglas-Arafat casino
partnership? Finally, it is getting wider exposure, yet the Israelis
accepting this mafia motive for the planned pullout.
Over and over I'm told the same thing: Don't get too deep,
with Rabin. It's the only scandal you've uncovered that most Israelis
understand, or even care about.
So let's try again. I have a new witness and more powerful
documentation to present. I am sending the documents under separate
since people are afraid to open attachments and most sites I'm on
them out.
Another Witness Steps Forward
He is Shmuel Arad's brother-in-law. To put his testimony
context, I must present
testimony from my last article again:
Steve of middleeastfacts.com called to inform me that he had
interviewed a
very important witness who I should meet. And very important he was.
name was Eli and he was the IDF officer responsible for military
at the rally where Rabin was murdered. He had escaped his suspicions in
Toronto. We drove to a restaurant to talk but he would not leave the
until he had told his story. Chain-smoking, the young and athletic
related the following:
"The Shabak controlled the security for the rally and
gave the police any duties. But more shocking, they gave me nothing to
They made it plain by ignoring me, that they just didn't want the army
there. I left the meeting and decided I'd send a jeep and crew
"I ordered the jeep to park near the stairs where Rabin
supposed to descend and then had a look around. It was at about 8:00
just before the rally was to begin that I saw a reserve officer from my
unit coming down the stairs from the stage. He had a security pin on
shirt but I didn't issue it to him. I asked him, 'What are you doing
I didn't call you here.' He answered that he came of his own volition.
asked him, 'Who issued you the security pass?' and he didn't answer me.
Something wasn't right and I decided to inspect the stage myself.
"I walked up the stairs with my gun in its holster. No
stopped me and there was no metal detector anywhere. On the stage I saw
Benny Lahav, he was the Shabak's personnel officer and he was busy
a flashlight at apartment windows opposite the square. That wasn't his
duty. He was supposed to be coordinating his forces, not playing with a
flashlight. I walked up to him and pointed to my gun, saying, 'I could
Rabin if I wanted to.' He answered, 'Why would you do that?' I replied,
'How did I get a gun on this stage without being stopped?' He ignored
question and went back to shining his flashlight off buildings.
"I stayed until the rally ended and decided I was no
needed. I ordered my jeep crew to stay backstage until everyone had
and took a bus home. Not ten minutes later, the crew radioed me that
something happened backstage and Rabin may have been hurt. But at that
moment I saw Rabin's limousine led by a squad car approaching Dizengoff
Street. I assumed he was headed to a party in Herzlia Pituach and that
everything was alright.
"Later, when I heard he was murdered, nothing made
What was Rabin's car doing so far from Ichilov Hospital? If he was
why was only one squad car accompanying him?
"The next day, I went to my base and expected, at a
minimum, to be dressed down, and more likely, to be stripped of my
Rabin was murdered on my watch and I knew I was going to be
for dereliction of duty. But my commander, Col. Shmuel Arad, didn't
me. In fact, he never asked what happened that night. And when the
Commission convened, I expected to be called to testify about military
security at the rally. But I never was and I still don't know why.
"I knew I could have done better if I was a bit
and I left for Toronto to sort out my life. I was set up to fail and I
strongly suspected it was by the real murderers. Your book woke me up
that's why I wanted to talk to you."
Back To The New Testimony
It is from another Eli, who I'll call Eli G. He lives
Ramat Gan, is retired, is a longtime Likud member and was Shmuel Arad's
brother-in-law. He joined me at my apartment.
"Shmuel never talked about the fact that he was the
highest ranking IDF officer responsible for security in Tel Aviv on the
night of the assassination. But he never rose in rank
after that night. We all that it was because his father was a legendary
Irgun fighter and the IDF had a policy to keep such families away from
top. Now I understand that there may have been more to his
"Nonetheless, he felt advancement would be denied
for good, so he quit the army and shortly after ran for mayor of Haifa.
was leading all the polls but just prior to the elections, a third
candidate quit and threw his support behind the Labor candidate. It was
dirty deal and it cost Shmuel the election.
"He was totally discouraged and took a long leave
absence from the country abroad. Last year he returned, arriving home
on a
Friday. He called me and we arranged a get-together with our families
next day. The next morning his wife called to announce that Shmuel was
dead. His heart just stopped.
"It didn't make sense. He was in his early 50s
completely healthy. One day back in the country and he dies? Then you
reminded me that he was the IDF officer in charge of Tel Aviv on the
of the Rabin murder. Strange things are happening in the country and I
don't dismiss the possibility that this was one of them.
"Your witness was right in his suspicions. Since
Shmuel was in charge of military security when Rabin was murdered, why
wasn't he questioned by the polic? Of course, he should have been. He
have had relevant information."
If the police missed questioning vital witnesses, then they
remiss in their duties or told to be remiss. The law in Israel is
clear: In
all cases of non-military murder, Israel Police is solely responsible
investigations. The Shabak (General Security Services) has no legal
role in
such criminal investigations. Yet for Rabin, both the Shabak and Israel
Police broke the law. In the case of the police, the following
prove they did so most reluctantly.
Attachment One
If you are not a Hebrew reader, the first two attachments
be lost on you. If you are, or know someone who is, you are now
witness to
a strange legal aberration. For best viewing, zoom in 170%. This is an
announcement from the head of the Criminal Investigations Division of
Israel Police, explaining that responsibility for the investigation of
Rabin assassination had been switched from Tel Aviv district police to
division. The document begins with a list of the detectives and
investigators assigned to the case. Then the subject of the memo is
Investigation Team Of The Murder Of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
Clause 1. announces the switch in investigation teams
12/11/95. Clause 2. begins the illegalities. It reads, "On 4/11/95 at
Kings Of Israel Square, Prime Minister Rabin was murdered as he walked
between the rally stage and his car by one Yigal Amir."
Now, this supposition of guilt by the police is blatantly
illegal. The police cannot announce the murderer's name before he is
convicted, let alone charged.
End Attachment One, Continue Attachment Two
Clause 3. Goals Of The Investigation
a. To investigate if the murderer acted alone or with the
complicity of others.
Again the police use the word "murderer" to describe Amir
not "suspect." They have already convicted him. And it's reasonable to
assume that the author of the memo, as head of the Criminal
Division, knew what he was doing wrong.
b. To investigate who was behind the murder.
Now what does this mean? If Amir was a lone gunman, why
there this certainty that someone else was behind him?
c. To investigate and gather evidence against all those
involved. Thus,to investigate all claims against far Right
The investigation is now focused on one group and one
only. No other leads are to be followed. Now who would lead such a
investigation? Look closely at Clause 4. and send it out widely.
Clause 4. Methodology
a. Evidence gathering and intelligence are to be
conducted in cooperation with the Shabak and those under its
You read it right. An illegal investigation
conducted by
the Shabak superceded the legal police investigation. It's this kind of
severe technicality that gets cases thrown out of court in any fair
judicial system. Read it again. The Shabak, which murdered Rabin, is
investigating the murder.
Attachment Three
The Shamgar Commission determined that Rabin was shot twice
the back. Central to my thesis is my contention that Rabin was shot a
time, from the front. And central to my claim that Shimon Peres
the murder was his knowledge of that third shot. In my lectures, I show
Peres on film stating that, "Three bullets pierced Rabin's body and the
songsheet." The songsheet was in his front jacket pocket, thus Peres
that Rabin was shot from the front, an act Amir could not have
The problem is, Peres became prime minister and accepted
Shamgar Commission's finding that Rabin was shot twice in the
HE KNEW THE TRUTH. And that makes Peres, head of the coverup.
I also note that 90 minutes after Rabin was declared
Peres conducted a cabinet meeting during which he appointed Rabin's
personal bodyguard, Yoram Rubin, his own personal bodyguard. Now if
was one person in the world Peres should not have appointed to guard
it was Rubin, based on his wonderful protection of Rabin that evening.
But since Rubin was the actual shooter of Rabin, Peres chose to reward
At that same cabinet meeting, Peres described how Rabin
murdered. Do not forget that Peres saw Rabin's body barely two hours
before. Now open the attachment and look where Peres is pointing to.
he explained to the world, was where the fatal bullet penetrated
Of interest. I copied my English language video Who Murdered
Yitzhak Rabin to sell at my lecture venues. It's 2 1/2 hours long and
really impressive. I now have NTSC copies if anyone would like to
I'll be putting together a new book. In the meantime, as
you can order my English books, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, Israel
Betrayed, The Last Days Of Israel and Save Israel! by writing me at
October 13, 2004
(Before we begin the formal article, I must report some disturbing news. My site, http://www.barrychamish.com is down. When the high holidays ended six days ago, I checked my site and it wasn't there. I called the technical department at my server, Bezeq International and I was assured that the problem was being dealt with. That is the excuse I have been given every day for almost a week. Today I threatened the customer services department with a law suit if my site doesn't return immediately. I explained that I sell my books through that site and the effect of its loss was turning disastrous since my new book, Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust, was just released and no one could order it without my site up. As usual, I was told the problem was being worked on. Please contact Bezeq and demand that my site be returned. You can e-mail them through their site at
http://www.bezeq.co.il or call their customer services dept. in Israel at 1800 101 101)
Now on with the report:
Poor confused Israelis just can't understand why their chosen leader is so determined to pull the Jews out of Gaza. Even the Left doesn't believe the move will bring peace or improve security. Even they see it as a unilateral surrender to terror which threatens the unity of the nation.
Only a very deep, hidden agenda could possibly explain Sharon's insistence on a plan that may well lead to a Jewish civil war. Once again I will try to expose this agenda but it will prove too fantastic for the small minds of Israel to grasp.
Israel's powerbrokers are the descendants of the false prophet Shabtai Tzvi, who, on June 18, 1666, in Gaza declared that he was the Messiah of the Jews. The vision he presented was of an anti-Judaism in which the Torah's sins were transformed into good deeds. Most of the world's Jews bought into the lie but abandoned Tzvi when he was force-converted to Islam. However, a Turkish sect called the Donmeh kept his movement alive and it spread through Europe a century later led by one Jacob Frank. Through an alliance with the illuminati in 1785, Sabbataianism spread its tentacles throughout the world's halls of power.
Gaza has enormous significance to the Sabbataians as revealed in the following book review:
The Forward has this wonderful review by Allan Nadler of The Sabbatean Prophets by Matt Goldish. (Harvard University Press, 240 pages, $39.95.)
The following dire, revolutionary proclamation issues forth from a charismatic provocateur in Gaza:
'None will be saved from these tribulations except those dwelling in this place. The [very] name of the place [connoting strength] expresses her nature. And with the advent of her redemption, strength will spread and the people of Gaza will act in this strength.'
The response of the leader of the Gazans' enemy, both to this message and to those Jews residing in Gaza, is to remind them that Gaza is a place unworthy of triggering apocalyptic violence, since it is 'technically outside the borders of the [biblical] Land of Israel.'
At the same time, in a nearby Arab country, classified information, laden with potentially devastating secrets, is conveyed via a shady Middle Eastern businessman named Chelebi.
The latest news from Israel and Iraq? Hardly!
The proclamation from Gaza was issued not by a leader of Hamas, but rather by the 17th-century Jewish kabbalist Nathan of Gaza, who in 1665 became the major prophet of the infamous false messiah from Izmir, Shabbetai Zevi. The proclamation's rebuke was not part of Ariel Sharon's argument for evacuating Jewish settlers from Gaza, but of a ruling by Rabbi Jacob Sasportas, the most outspoken and tireless opponent of the Sabbatean messianic outbreak. And the Chelebi in question was not the now-disgraced White House confidant, Ahmed Chalabi, but rather Raphael Chelebi, an Egyptian Jewish businessman who was the first outsider to whom Nathan of Gaza revealed the 'secret' that the messiah had arrived. . . .
Best yet, this is not fiction.
The Gaza withdrawal is not the first time the Sabbataians and their allies have thoroughly disrupted nations, not by a longshot:
Frankist agents acted in times of French Revolution, like Moses Dobruchka who entered the Jacobines as Junius Frey and ascended to the top of Freemasonry. Many of the Frankist saw Napoleon Bonaparte as a potential Messiah.
Horrific Claim to fame:
Sabbatai, through Frank, is credited by some serious scholars with not only setting in motion the events leading to the emergence of the Conservative and Reform branches of Judaism, but also with fomenting the Turkish, French and even American revolutions.
From "Frank, Jacob," Microsoft (R) Encarta. Copyright (c) 1994 MicrosoftCorporation. Copyright (c) 1994 Funk & Wagnall's Corporation.
Frank kept Sabbateanism alive and ended its tribalism, opening its adherents to the world outside Judaism. Sabbateanism become Frankism was one of the most important of the 18th century movements which freed man. The great revolution in consideration, [the Turkish revolution], and the French and American revolutions sprang from his loins.
Prof. Harris Lenowitz The Sayings of Yakov Frank.
The following potted history comes from an incredibly dangerous website whose aim is to openly and publicly revive Sabbataianism:
The Jewish mystic and messiah, Sabbatai Zevi (1626-76), referred to by the abbreviated title of Amirah by his followers, was born in Smyrna (now Izmir), Turkey. Sabbatai's first teacher was the Gadol Reb. Isaac di Alba, a member of the Bais Din in Smyrna with whom he studied Kabbalah beginning in 1650. After six years under Master Isaac, Sabbatai continued his studies under the illustrious R. Joseph Eskapha, author of "Rosh Yosef" and a leading halakhist of his time. He most probably gave Sabbatai smicha and the rabbinical title of hakham ("wise" or "sage") when the latter was still an adolescent.
By 1648 Sabbatai showed signs of what modern scholars (who are caught up in the reductionist materialism worldview) claim to be manic-depressive psychosis. In other words, strange behavior and violations of religious law, and proclaimed himself the Messiah. Expelled from Smyrna around 1651-54, he wandered through Greece, Thrace, Palestine, and Egypt. In 1665 he met the charismatic Nathan of Gaza, who persuaded him that he was indeed the Messiah. Sabbatai Zevi then formally revealed himself, named 1666 as the millennium, and soon gained fervent support in Palestine and the Diaspora. It is important to realize that the entire Jewish world of 1665-66 believed that Sabbatai was no mere "prophet" or "teacher" but the Promised Messiah and a living incarnation of God. It was the only messianic movement to engulf the whole of Jewry; from England to Persia, from Germany to Morocco, from Poland to the Yemen.
Sabbatai attempted to land in Constantinople in 1666, but was captured and imprisoned by the Turkish authorities in 1666. He converted to Islam, supposedly to escape execution, although Nathan and his other followers put a different interpretation on this. Sabbatai's apostasy actually represented the descent into the klippotic realm in order to reclaim the lost sparks of light. Many of his followers converted likewise. Sabbatai - who, like Meher Baba and Max Theon was called "The Beloved" by his followers - may have had close relations with the Sufis. He died in exile in Ulcinj (in what is now Montenegro, part of the federation of Serbia and Montenegro). The Sabbatean movement was revived in the 18th century by Jacob Frank.
Thousands of Sabbatian Believers all over the world, but particularly in Asia Minor, still secretly worship him as such under the guise of either Islam or Christianity.
Many Christian readers have pointed out to me that their scriptures prophesize the emergence of Shabtai Tzvi of Smyrna and accurately describe the perfidies of his followers:
Revelations: 2:8 And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;
Revelations: 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.
And even one noted modern Israeli writer, Elyakim Haetzni has made the connection:
The dictatorship of Sharon not only forebodes the end of the settlements, God forbid, but also poses a threat to the security of Israel. Like the Golem of Prague when it got out of control, he tramples everything underfoot. Everything has been overturned: suddenly, he is a friend to Kofi Annan, is enthralled by the Arabs, and praises Javier Solana, the European whose hatred for us drips from him. As in the case of Shabtai Zvi, suddenly what was forbidden is permitted, the fast of Tisha B'Av becomes a feast.
Sadly, however, the vast majority of Israelis choose to remain aloof from deep plots and attribute superficial and wrong motives to Sharon's Gaza policy. Even more sadly, they don't have much time left to get smart.
My new book Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust sorts out the anomalies and makes sense of the Gaza pullout and the whole "peace" process foisted on Israel. It traces and proves the incredible damage done to the Jewish people by their Sabbataian rulers. It is 247 pages in length and I'm asking $25 for readers outside Israel (including the $5 postage) and 70 shekels within Israel where postage is barely a factor in the price. You may order by writing me at
or within Israel just call 08 975 2937.
Under separate cover I'm sending the front and back covers of the new book as attachments. The front cover, beautifully created by Zipporah Perlman, shows Shabtai Tzvi annointing his current representative on earth, Shimon Peres. To read the back cover, zoom in 200%. I chose to minimize bytes by reduction. I sent the attachment to myself and it took seven seconds to send. I don't think it will burden your system.
Rabbi Marvin Antelman was right all along. Way back in 1974, he identified the source of all the evil against Jews and humanity but his message and style were too unaccessible to get through to anyone but the most advanced students of anti-semitism. What he lacked most was simplicity, a common enough failure of thinkers decades in advance of their contemporaries. What he needed was someone to put out a Cliff's Notes simplified explanation of his thesis...and someone, without intention, just did.
Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin
The Last Days Of Israel - Israeli Edition
Israel Betrayed
Nakhal Zohar 40/2
Modiin 71700 Israel
"I was the IDF officer in charge of security for the Tel
area. Two days before the rally, all the security officers of the
and Shabak met in north Tel Aviv. I felt something was wrong right
There was going to be a gathering of 150,000 people at a most sensitive
moment and the meeting was open. Anyone could have come in. And the
attitude of the meeting was all wrong. It was jovial. The police
an aerial photo of the City Hall square and instead of pinpointing
areas, the meeting just discussed what a great photo it was.
So did my lecture. After hearing it, Eli bought a ticket
to Israel, realizing he had a country to try and save.
"I was the IDF officer in charge of security for the Tel
area. Two days before the rally, all the security officers of the
and Shabak met in north Tel Aviv. I felt something was wrong right
There was going to be a gathering of 150,000 people at a most sensitive
moment and the meeting was open. Anyone could have come in. And the
attitude of the meeting was all wrong. It was jovial. The police
an aerial photo of the City Hall square and instead of pinpointing
areas, the meeting just discussed what a great photo it was.
"Shmuel was commander of the Pikud Ha Oref (the IDF's
urban security division) on the night of the Rabin murder. He was the
direct superior of the witness in Toronto you quoted.
The Shabak Takes Over The Investigation
by Barry Chamish
"The Masonic Fellowcraft Second Degree 'Tracing Board' and a photograph of Masonry's latest weird and unwanted contribution to the world of public art, the staircase forming part of the gigantic inverted cross descending to a symbolic courtyard on the exterior of the recently constructed Supreme Court of Israel building, whose design was 'crafted' in secret by Freemasons, and which includes many other Masonic inferences such as a glass pyramid capped with a symbolic eye, protruding from the roof.[Cross's are used in the Kabbalah, Alchemy, Rosicrucianism, and Masonry but the meaning is turned upside down from it's Christian usage. Because of the frequent use of double-meanings in occult symbolism the obvious, and typically Masonic, anti-christian triumphalist inference should not be overlooked, nor the often employed Masonic occult sick sense of 'fun' humour, in searching for a motive for this bizarre 'work', as the circle with three surrounding "rays" is quite similar to halo's drawn in Orthodox and Catholic icons. Of course Masonry seldom misses an opportunity to put one over on the unsuspecting public and 'get a piece of the action' when major public projects are in the offing.']
The occult is extolled in the Kabbalah as a necessary "descent" to complete one's transformation.
The Kabbalists invented claim is that they possess a secret oral knowledge of Moses who they say made this descent into the Abyss at Mt. Sinai after receiving the Ten Commandments and "had to know all those levels that are connected below" which are called the "dark underside of wisdom".
This "spiritual" journey through the hidden lower levels of Kabbalah is actually a journey through Hell, the abode of The Devil, and requires of the initiate the full embrace of the demonic. It is a secret teaching designed only for the selected few, the occult elect, in complete contradiction to Christianity; 'I have spoken openly to the world; I ever taught in synagogues, and in the temple, where all the Jews come together; and in secret spake I nothing.'.
All though claimed by occultists to be the Tree of Life of the Garden of Eden, the Kabbalist Tree upon which Freemasonry is based is in fact the Tree forbidden by God, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the Tree of the Fall of Man, the Tree that Adam and Eve were hoodwinked by Satan to eat from, and who then seeking to conceal their discovered nakedness, out of fig leaves Crafted an Apron.
Thus baptised by the Spirit of the fallen angel Lucifer, called Satan or The Devil, Freemasons march forth to "liberate" man from the "oppression" of God, with the zeal of men possessed.
Defiance, Disorder, and Deception, the three pillars of Kabbalah, the three pillars of Freemasonry."