Subject: DMCA Notice of Copyright Infringement
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2017
To Whom it May Concern:
I am writing to notify you that we have a good faith believe that your display of certain Ordo Templi Orientis rituals on your website, all written and/or containing copyrighted material by Aleister Crowley (the “Works”), are solely owned and controlled by O.T.O., infringes upon my client’s exclusive copyrights to such Works Accordingly, you are hereby directed to
I am an authorized agent of Ordo Templi Orientis (“O.T.O.”), the exclusive rights holder of the copyrights in all of the works of Aleister Crowley in this matter. It has come to our attention that the following link on your website contains a O.T.O. rituals written by Aleister Crowley which are under copyright protection by the O.T.O. This link violates the copyrights of the Ordo Templi Orientis by display rituals and materials not authorized by us. Such publication has been found by the courts in various jurisdictions of violating the exclusive rights of the Ordo Templi Orientis:
You may not have been aware of our ownership of such materials as you have not asked for nor received permission to use such Work nor to make, distribute or display copies of it. Your actions and display of the Work constitute copyright infringement in violation of the United States copyright laws under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. We request that you immediately cease and desist the display and use of such Work, and provide us with prompt written assurance within fifteen (15) days that you will cease and desist from further infringement of O.T.O.’s copyrighted works.
Under penalty of perjury in a United States court of law, I state that the information contained in this notification is accurate, and that I am authorized to act on the behalf of the exclusive rights holder for the material in question. I may be contacted by the following methods:
K P, Esq.
PO Box 4188
Sunnyside, NY 11104-0188 USA
If you or your attorney has any questions, please contact me directly.
K P, Esq.
Assistant Legal Secretary, O.T.O.