Muskogee Phoenix
Masonic Lodge gives local Scouts help
January 15, 2009
By Liz McMahan
Times Editor
Heaping plates of scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, bacon, sausage and pancakes mean more than breakfast at the Fort Gibson Masonic Lodge.
The lodge serves an all-you-can eat breakfast for $5 from 7 to 11 a.m. on the second Saturday each month.
The proceeds from one of those breakfasts each quarter will go to a local group, said Lodge member Ted Martin. The money raised locally is matched by the Oklahoma Masonic Charity Foundation.
This time, that meant the local Boy Scout group got a check for $500, not just $250, Martin said.
That money will help buy camping gear and pay other expenses for the Scouts as they participate in activities, said Scoutmaster Jim Montgomery.
The breakfasts, the donation to the community and other lodge activities are all signs the lodge, which is one of the oldest in the state, is growing and becoming more involved in the community, Martin said.
The group has increased with about 25 new members over the last several months, he said. It is the fastest-growing in Oklahoma.
The Scout group also is growing, Montgomery said. There are about 15 members, ranging in age from 11 to 17 and in rank from Tenderfoot to Eagle.
In addition to camping, the group does various community service projects, he said.
Reach Liz McMahan at 684-2926 or lmcmahan
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