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Orangeburg South Carolina erects Knights of Pythias, Lions Club, Masons signs for shared building

Rotating Compass & Square

Times and Democrat - Orangeburg SC

Knights of Pythias, Lions Club, Masons signs erected in town

Thursday, February 08, 2007

T&D Correspondent

ELLOREE – The Elloree Civic & Fraternal Association has installed three new signs in front of the community building at the corner of Old Number 6 Highway and Hampton Street.

The signs exemplify the Ancient Freemasons of Charity Lodge #62, Knights of Pythias and the Elloree Lions Club, the principal users of the building.

The signs, which highlight the meeting times of each organization and bear their logos, were designed by Right Worshipful Fred C. Smoak, constructed by Kick Booty of Orangeburg and installed by the Ancient Freemasons of Charity Lodge #62 of Elloree.

T&D Correspondent Shirley Upton can be reached by e-mail at ntinet.com. Discuss this and other stories online at TheTandD.com

Further Reading:

Travelling Men - Fraternal Associations