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Your 'Excellency',
'Congratulations' on your latest appointment. Governor General is there a reason there is no mention on your biography [that] you are a Freemason or [that] when you were appointed by the current Freemason PM to 'craft' the terms of reference for an inquiry about the doings of another Freemason PM, one who is an old friend of yours, [that] you 'crafted' those terms of reference so narrowly [that] the central issue of $20M in missing Airbus 'commissions' was excluded from the Inquiries pervue? Also could you comment on the equally truely amazing coincidences [that] the Judge appointed to oversee the Inquiry and the Crown Counsel appointed to direct all Inquiry questioning were both also Freemasons? Sincerely & Fraternally Yours etc.. |
Welcome to Earnscliffe.ca...
Way to go Bro
Mr Schreiber's disclosure that he handed more than DM1m in cash to the CDU in the same year was the match that lit the fuse under Germany's Christian Democrats.
Though the personalities and circumstances of the two men are quite different, Mr Schreiber's role in German politics is starting to resemble that which Licio Gelli, head of the powerful P2 Masonic lodge, once played in Italian affairs.
Unlike Gelli, Mr Schreiber has never been convicted of any offence. But, as with Gelli, there is a pattern of affinity with the political right.
Mr Schreiber, moreover, has shown that, like Italy's "puppet master", he is the keeper of many explosive secrets. And, as he battles to avoid extradition from Canada to his native Germany, he has let some of those secrets filter out to devastating effect.
What remains to be seen is how much more he can - and indeed wants to - reveal.
Schreiber: The man who would topple kings
The Guardian
January 14, 2000
The national body, to which Grand Councils voluntarily belong, is the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons
- www.'master'mason.com
Let the Eastern Brothers Warm in the Light...
Speak easy Brother Sam
'A Pillar of the Kommunity'...
Brother Harold Ballard
'Freemasonry takes good men and makes them better'
Under his tenure, the Maple Leafs were one of the league's most financially successful teams, in part because Ballard was stingy and refused to lavish money on star players (see below). At the same time, even though the Leafs were barely competitive in the 1980s, scalping was virtually the only way to get into a game at Maple Leaf Gardens. In addition, Ballard was infamous for his disregard of tradition in order to increase profits; to expand seating capacity he removed a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II (his response: "She doesn't pay anything to get in, does she?") and had Foster Hewitt's broadcast gondola dumped into the Garden's incinerator.
Ballard quickly became known for being irascible and cantankerous. He tried to micromanage the team, interfering with coaches and players. He traded many of the team's most popular players such as Dave Keon, Lanny McDonald, Darryl Sittler and Russ Courtnall. After McDonald was traded his angry teammates trashed their dressing room. The best players became extremely reluctant to come to Toronto because of Ballard's reputation. While the Leafs were somewhat successful in the 1970s, Ballard's tactics caught up with them in the 1980s. The Leafs didn't post a winning record from 1980 to 1992. During this stretch, they missed the playoffs five times and only finished above fourth in their division once. He is often blamed for Toronto's failure to win a Stanley Cup since 1967.
Employees who were not players or coaches had things even worse with many stories of verbal abuse and arbitrary firings.
Among the more bizarre anecdotes of his tenure:
However, as Ken Dryden put it in his book The Game, he seemed "like [a] wrestling villain who touches the audience to make his next villainy seem worse."
- In the Summer of 1965, The Beatles performed a concert at the Gardens. Ballard ordered the building's heat turned up, and the water fountains around the arena mysteriously stopped functioning. The concert was also delayed an hour right before it was scheduled to begin. The only available refreshments from the terrible heat were large soft drinks from the concession stands which were triple the original price.
- Approaching Hockey Night in Canada president Ted Hough with a fire ax, and threatening to cut the TV cable if the CBC did not pay for updating the Gardens (the CBC paid up).
- Demanding $15,000 a game from the Toronto Toros to play in the Gardens, and then informing them (After they signed the contract) it would take an extra $3,500 to use the arena lights. He also removed the bench cushions for Toros games.
- Remarking on Barbara Frum's CBC program "As It Happens" that "Women are best in one position -- on their backs." After being rebuked, he called her a "dumb broad."
- Tried to make the Leafs head coach Roger Neilson wear a paper bag over his head behind the bench.
- When the NHL decided to put surnames on sweaters, Ballard refused, citing scorecard sales. After being forced to put names on the jerseys, he did...by putting blue names on blue and white names on white, making them unable to be seen. Later threatened with a fine, he backed down.
- Ballard was well known for his charitable activities, and even leased out The Garden for many functions.
Dixicritics & Dixicratics
In the Maritimes, where blockade running continued to supply the South with munitions and material, Southern sympathies were soon running so high that many [Halifax] businesses openly flew Confederate flags and traded in Confederate currency. Conservative [Tory] newspapers in the Canadas became increasingly critical of the North and many were openly pro-Southern.
Britains attitude towards the war was summed up in a ditty published in Punch:Though with the North we sympathizeAlthough Britain was officially neutral, the mercantile and upper classes - like those in Canada - echoed Lord Palmerston's complaint that the Americans were "the most disagreeable fellows to have to do with." Lincoln's election in 1860 spurred hopes that this entirely unpleasant country might disappear, leaving behind the "gentlemanly" and cotton-rich Southern planters.
It must not be forgotten
That with the South we've stronger ties
Which are composed of cotton
The middle-class, as deeply moved by Harriet Beecher Stowe's immensely popular anti-slavery polemic Uncle Tom's Cabin as most Canadians were, tended to favour the North. Canadians, however, could express their preference in a very tangible way - by enlisting in the Union armies , which more than 40,000 eventually did.
Esprit de Corps Magazine
The political historian P.B. Waite (among others) made clear some time ago that, in the 19th and earlier 20th centuries, "the Orangemen" were "the storm troopers of the Tories" in Canadian politics. But like other practitioners of his craft, he was perhaps still a little too ashamed of the Orange Order in Canada to go into all this in much further detail...
Edward VII
An active Freemason throughout his adult life, Edward VII was installed as Grand Master in 1875, giving great impetus and publicity to the fraternity. He regularly appeared in public, both at home and on his tours abroad, as Grand Master, laying the foundation stones of public buildings, bridges, dockyards, and churches with Masonic ceremony. His presence ensured publicity, and reports of Masonic meetings at all levels appeared regularly in the national and local press. Freemasonry was constantly in the public eye, and Freemasons were known in their local communities. Edward VII was one of the biggest contributors to the fraternity.
In 1890, he was embroiled in the Royal Baccarat Scandal, when it was revealed he had played an illegal card game for money. The Prince was forced to appear as a witness in court for a second time when one of the players sued for slander after being accused of cheating.
His health destroyed by years of over-indulgence in food and tobacco, Edward died of bronchial asthma in 1910, aged 68. Relations with his nephew, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, were already strained. Four years later came the First World War, which ended his mother Queen Victoria's dream of Anglo-German friendship and destroyed the network of dynastic alliances that ruled Europe.
The Scotsman
'...Leaving aside the predictable tastelessness of Prince Harry’s choice of fancy dress, the episode threw up a slew of equally predictable "historical" reactions, some funny, some ironic. There was a brisk internet exchange on the subject along the lines of "The boy’s family are German, for God’s sake - what do you expect?"; to the more sober point that Edward VII’s grave is embellished with a swastika, albeit now with an apologetic card explaining that the ancient Hindu good-luck symbol had no unfortunate political connotations when the tomb was carved...'
The Duke and Duchess of Windsor
Freemason Edward VIII, King of Great Britain, Ireland, the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, Grand Master United Grand Lodge of England. He was the second monarch of the 'House of Windsor' after the Royal Family changed their name from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha[1] in 1917, during World War I. Abdicated throne 11 December 1936, married divorcee Wallace Simpson, assumed nom-de-plume 'Duke of Windsor'.
1. Adam Weishaupt Activities in exile.
He received the assistance of Duke Ernest II of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (1745–1804), and lived in Gotha writing a series of works on illuminism, including A Complete History of the Persecutions of the Illuminati in Bavaria (1785), A Picture of Illuminism (1786), An Apology for the Illuminati (1786), and An Improved System of Illuminism (1787). Adam Weishaupt died in Gotha on 18 November 1830. - Source: Wikipedia
Mackenzie King, long time Canadian Liberal Party Prime Minister, Freemason, and Fruitcake.
King held five university degrees. He obtained three from the University of Toronto: B.A. 1895, LL.B. 1896, and M.A. 1897. After studying at the University of Chicago, Mackenzie King proceeded to Harvard University, receiving an M.A. in political economy 1898 and a Ph.D. 1909.
He was first elected to Parliament as a Liberal in a 1908 by-election, and was re-elected in a 1909 by-election following his appointment as Canada's first Minister of Labour. He lost his seat in the 1911 general election, which saw the Conservatives defeat his Liberals.
Following his defeat, he went to the United States to work for the Rockefeller family, assisting them in labour relations. He returned to Canada to run in the 1917 election, which focused almost entirely on the conscription issue, and lost again, due to his opposition to conscription, which was supported by the majority of English Canadians.
King then teamed up with Freemason FDR, who both had worked for Freemason Rockefeller, to release Freemason Leon Trotsky from a Halifax, Nova Scotia jail, along with a boatload of Bolshevik Revolutionaries bound for the charnel house for christianity they would soon make of Russia.
King hoped an outbreak of war in the 1930s could be avoided. He had met with Hermann Göring and Adolf Hitler, whom he said was a reasonable man who cared for his fellow man, working to improve his country in the midst of the Depression. He confided in his diary that he thought Hitler "might come to be thought of as one of the saviours of the world" and told a Jewish delegation that "Kristallnacht might turn out to be a blessing."
King was impressed by Hitler. He wrote, "My sizing up of the man as I sat and talked with him was that he is really one who truly loves his fellow-men, and his country, and would make any sacrifice for their good." (Diary, June 29, 1937) Hitler appeared to be "a man of deep sincerity and a genuine patriot." (Diary, June 29, 1937) King saw similarities between himself and Hitler, writing, "As I talked with him, I could not but think of Joan of Arc. He is distinctly a mystic .... He is a teetotaller and also a vegetarian; is unmarried, abstemist in all his habits and ways." (Diary, June 29, 1937)
Mistrusted by ex-Freemason Winston Churchill he was never told about the famous Camp X operation taking place inside Canada. In 1945-46 William Stephenson - 'A Man Called Intrepid' was forced to secret Russian defector Victour Gouzenko away from Kings clutch's who was intent on turning him over to Stalin so as not to offend the Communist 'Allie.'
Freemason King was known throughout his life as an ardent occultist, often "communicating" with his deceased mother for advice through frequent seances, before making major government policy decisions.
A dedicated and active MASON, all in all.
For some reason most Masonic sites leave this illustrious brother and long time Prime Minister off their 'Famous Masons Lists' they have "posted" across the internet as part of their increasingly desperate recruitment drive, amid plummenting membership rolls, like the next brother we 'illuminate' below.
At one point Bernardo was on the top of the Police Department's suspect list when he was terrorizing women in the Toronto suburb of Scarborough with his years long rape spree.
Police then strangely dropped him to the bottom of the list, later saying they didn't think he was a 'credible' suspect.
Bernardo then graduated to his grisley mutilation killing rampage.
Did the large Police Officer Masonic Lodge Membership cloud some Detectives judgement about 'Brother' Bernardo's suitability as a suspect? How many Scarborough Police Officers were members of Scarborough Rapist Paul Bernardo's Scarborough Masonic Lodge?
Is Freemasonry the missing piece to the puzzle of how the Police could have failed for so long to stop Bernardo, including the ignoring of repeated tips about him, that has raised so many questions in the public's mind?
![]() 'On the Square'
From: "J" j@.ca To: mason_stoppers@yahoo.com Subject: Additional information Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 In regards to the Paul Bernardo issue, It may be of interest to know that during the time of the investigation, the then Toronto Police Chief McCormmick was and still is a Mason. This was brought to light to myself when I met another individual who was also a Mason who was showing some pictures of him shaking hands with Police Chief McCormmick at their lodge and in this picture Chief McCormmick was dressed in a fine suit and wearing a Masonic Apron. This may have contributed to Bernardo's being considered less of a suspect at the time. While I have no proof outside a conversation and seeing some pictures, I do believe that Chief McCormmick was a Master Mason. |
The Apron: A Biblical reference to the Devil
Masonic Claim: The R.C.M.P. Masonic Degree Team
Anti-Masonic Fact: The R.C.M.P. has no Masonic Degree Team
Why are serving officers permitted to do this in public and in uniform?
This is a clear misuse of one of Disneys most popular licensed product royalty programs...
St. George's Lodge No. 136, Moose Jaw, SK
Weyburn Lodge No. 20 GRS, Weyburn, SK
Brother Douglas graduated from Brandon College in 1930, and completed his Master's degree (MA) in Sociology from McMaster University in 1933. His thesis entitled The Problems of the Subnormal Family was on eugenics, a way to "solve the problems of the Subnormal Family" by sterilizing mentally and physically disabled Canadians, seperating them by sex and social status, and then permanently sending them to "camps". Freemason Douglas's plans would have required mandatory government approval for all Canadians wanting to marry based on their eugenic "fitness". The founder of the N.D.P. and father of Canadian Socialism....
Current Federal Socialist Party Leader and Freemason Jack Layton.
Layton won the NDP leadership in 2003 amid a flurry of Masonic "now not quite so secret..." Handshakes and 'Five Points of Fellowship' bearhugs with Freemason National Labour Union Leaders after the membership voting rules had been changed giving Labour an automatic 25% voting block in the party leadership vote. Heard at the convention was the emcee asking for the "Doors to be Tyled".
In 2005 Layton whipped a supposed free vote on the Liberals radical same-sex marriage legislation with support by the Seperatist-Socialist Bloc Quebecois. Those who voted against the legislation because it conflicted with their religious beliefs were thrown out of the caucus.
The New Democratic Party...
'Enlightened' 1990's 'Socialist' NDP Premier of British Columbia; Freemason Glen Clark.Grand Architect of the brotherly $463 million 'fastcat' ferry project. The ferry's to this day remain unusable and unsaleable.
Forced to resign after it was revealed Police had wiretapped and raided his Office and Home regarding the granting of Casino Liscence's to 'associates'.
Strangely after his resignation and before his trial he was hired as an 'executive' by the supposed conservative businessman Jimmy Pattison, a billionaire who counts ex-U.S. President George Bush among his frequent mega yacht guests. Amid a masonically phrased statement given in explanation of this head scratching decision by 'Jimmy'...
Billionaire and Freemason Jimmy Pattison. Pattison has a somewhat fearsome reputation regarding his employees with the bizarre practice of firing the salesman who had the lowest sales that month, regardless of the length or record of employment, in his large automotive car dealership holdings. Brotherly Love...
Freemasonry's satanic religious agenda is achieved via social change and social control. It will and has used many political, social, religious and national guises throughout history.
Deception or 'Hoodwinking' is the norm. Cover your bets, promote your membership inside all movements. Infiltrate all major social and religious organs of society.
It's true aim is the annihilation of faith, and the replacement instead with "science".
WORLD MASONRY, Lucifer's hidden hand.
Lord Black of Crossharbour, i.e. Brother Tubby, in happier days.Brother Conrad Black is closely associated with the infamous Neo"conservative" cabal(a weird blend of "reformed" Trotskyites and Anglo-Isreali Freemasons) having had Pentagon Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Pearl on his payrolls.
It remains to be seen whether these demented kooks will succeed in their goal of reconstructing King Solomons Temple - atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, repleat with a secret Masonic Ritual Room in the basement according to bogus Masonic "history"! After making the Mideast safe for Freemasonry of course...
See also: U.S. seizes $9M from Conrad Black
The Neocon Warhawk Cabal
Freemason Maurice Strong, U.N. Undersecretary, former head of numerous Crown Corporations including being appointed by Pierre Trudeau the first head of Petro Canada which nationalized a large part of the Canadian Petroleum Industry. Executive at Power Corporation for many years.Recuited by Rockefeller Foundation at age of 18. Headed Soviet-Canada 'Friendship' League for Mackenzie King in 1943.
Currently exploring "business relationships" with the anti-christian Communist Junta's in China and North Korea.
James Wolfenson, current president of the World Bank stated in a recent CBC documentary on Strong that his appointment was due to 'Maurice'. Said to have "close" relationship with Freemason and "inventor of the internet" ex U.S. Vice President Al Gore, among other World Federalists.
Owns large new-age ranch in Colorado atop North America's largest underground aquafer that is frequented by luminaries like George Bush Sr., David Rockefeller, and Henry Kissinger. The ranch has been targeted by a number of UFO research groups as a location having had a high number of 'sighting reports' over it.
Reported to be the Grand Master of a Golden Dawn Rite, a hard core and secret occult lodge based on teachings of notrious satanist Aleister Crowley.
Current Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin has repeatedly stated that Strong is his "mentor", and that Strong was the one to urge him into business to become a independent millionaire before entering politics. It is unknown what roll Strong played in Martin's recent bizarre meeting with Libyan Strongman Quadaffi in a desert tent, mirroring new age messianic nutjob Tony Blair's meet and masonic handshake greet, but it has been noted that the Paul Martin Sr. charity foundation has declared donations from a Masonic Order...
See also: Power Corporation and Maurice Strong
Conservatives Attack, Liberals Defend, Maurice Strong
Maurice Strong steps down from UN post
UN studying Maurice Strong's business ties
Oil For Food Inquiry questioning Strong about influence peddling Tongsun Park
It's a small world. And Mr. Strong knows everybody in it
LUCIFERIC BRETHREN: Paul and Maurice, looming Tsunami Aide and ZENON Water Scandals
"He's a Spooky Guy" - Maurice Strong's longterm ties to the Martin Family
LICENCES TO HAVE BABIES? Meet Dr. Evil; "This group of world leaders forms a secret society to bring about an economic collapse," continued Strong, warming to his fantasy
The Strong Scent of Tyranny
Organisation of Degrees, Orders, Ceremonies and Honours
George W. Eaton
PM Zion 77, GRBC&Y
rev: 2003-08-22
1 Sovereign Grand Lodges of
1.1 Newfoundland and Labrador
1.2 Quebec
1.3 Nova Scotia
1.4 Prince Edward Island
1.5 New Brunswick
1.6 Canada in the Province of Ontario
1.7 Manitoba
1.8 Saskatchewan
1.9 Alberta
1.10 British Columbia and Yukon
1.11 United Grand Lodge of England (NS & Quebec only)
1.12 Grand Lodge of Scotland (NL only)
1.13 The preceding confer the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason and recognise or employ the ceremony of the Board of Installed Masters in which the Worshipful Master of a Lodge is installed and invested.
1.14 Lodges in NL under the Grand Lodge of Scotland confer the Mark Master Mason degree on Master Masons in a regular craft lodge of Master Masons lowered to the Fellow Craft degree.
2 Royal Order of Scotland (Master Masons by invitation)
2.1 Heredom of Kilwinning
2.2 Rosy Cross
3 Grand Conclave of the Order of the Secret Monitor of Canada or Brotherhood of David and Jonathan (Conclaves) (open to any Master Mason)
3.1 1B Induction
3.2 2B Princes
3.3 There is an inner working for the installation of a
Supreme Ruler of a Conclave
4 Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada (Lodges of Perfection, Chapters Rose Croix, Consistories) (open to any Master Mason)
4.1 Lodge of Perfection (4-14) (open to any Master Mason)
4.1.1 4° Secret Master
4.1.2 5° Perfect Master
4.1.3 6° Intimate Secretary
4.1.4 7° Provost and Judge
4.1.5 8° Intendant of the Building
4.1.6 9° Elect of the Nine
4.1.7 10° Elect of the Fifteen
4.1.8 11° Elect of the Twelve
4.1.9 12° Grand Master Architect
4.1.10 13° Royal Arch of Solomon
4.1.11 14° Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Mason
4.2 Chapter of Rose Croix (15-18)
4.2.1 15° Knight of the East or Sword
4.2.2 16° Prince of Jerusalem
4.2.3 17° Knight of the East and West
4.2.4 18° Knight Rose Croix
4.3 Consistory (19-32)
4.3.1 19° Grand Pontiff
4.3.2 20° Master ad Vitam
4.3.3 21° Patriarch Noachite
4.3.4 22° Prince of Libanus
4.3.5 23° Chief of the Tabernacle
4.3.6 24° Prince of the Tabernacle
4.3.7 25° Knight of the Brazen Serpent
4.3.8 26° Prince of Mercy
4.3.9 27° Commander of the Temple
4.3.10 28° Knight of the Sun
4.3.11 29° Knight of St. Andrew
4.3.12 30° Knight Kadosh
4.3.13 31° Inspector Inquisitor Commander
4.3.14 32° Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
4.4 Supreme Council of the Thirty-third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada (self appointing)
4.4.1 33° Honorary Inspector-General (several hundred)
4.4.2 33° Sovereign Grand Inspector-General (several dozen)
5 Supreme Council of the Grottoes of North America (open to any Master Mason)
6 Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (open to any Master Mason)
7 Grand Chapters of Royal Arch Masons (open to any Master Mason)
7.1 Newfoundland and Labrador
7.2 Quebec
7.3 Nova Scotia
7.4 Prince Edward Island
7.5 New Brunswick
7.6 Canada in the Province of Ontario
7.7 Manitoba
7.8 Saskatchewan.
7.9 Alberta and
7.10 British Columbia and Yukon
7.11 The degrees controlled by Royal Arch Chapters are
7.11.1 Mark Master Mason (Lodge)
7.11.2 (Virtual) Past Master (Lodge, see below)
7.11.3 Most Excellent Master (Lodge)
7.11.4 Excellent Master (Lodge, in BC only)
7.11.5 Holy Royal Arch (Chapter)
7.12 All the preceding Grand Chapters control degrees of Mark Master Mason, Most Excellent Master and Holy Royal Arch.
7.13 The (Virtual) Past Master is conferred only NS, PEI and NL, and in just one Chapter in BC.
7.14 All except NL, PEI and NS have inner ceremonies for the Installation of each of the three Principal Officers.
7.15 There is one Royal Arch Chapter in Nova Scotia under the Supreme Grand Chapter of England. It only confers the Holy Royal Arch degree.
7.16 All the above Grand Chapters recognize the Mark Master Mason degree conferred by lodges under the Grand Lodge of Scotland. 8 Order of the High Priesthood is controlled by each Grand Chapter (Open to Installed First Principals and High Priests of Chapters.) 9 Red Cross of Constantine (open to Royal Arch Masons by invitation)
10 Grand Imperial Conclave of Canada
10.1.1 Knight of Rome
10.1.2 Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine
10.1.3 Knight of the Holy Sepulchre
10.1.4 Knight of St John the Evangelist
10.2 Grand Imperial Council of Scotland
10.2.1 (as above)
11 Cryptic Rite (Councils). Open to any Royal Arch Mason
11.1 Western Canada
11.2 Canada (in Ontario)
11.3 Eastern Canada.
11.4 Degrees conferred in each jurisdiction are:
11.4.1 Royal Master (Council)
11.4.2 Select Master (Council)
11.4.3 Super Excellent Master (Council)
11.4.4 Royal Ark Mariner (Lodge)
11.4.5 There is an inner working for the TIM of a Council
11.4.6 There is an inner working for the Commander Noah of a Royal Ark Mariner Lodge.
12 Order of the Silver Trowel (open to Installed Thrice Illustrious Masters of a Cryptic Council)
13 Sovereign Great Priory of Canada, Knights Templar (Preceptories)
13.1 Illustrious Order of the Red Cross
13.2 Order of St Paul
13.3 Order of St John or Malta
13.4 Order of the Temple
13.5 There is an inner working for the Preceptor of a Preceptory
14 Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests, Grand College of Great Britain and Tabernacles Overseas (by
invitation of Knights Templar who are also Installed Masters of a lodge)
14.1 Knight of the Christian Mark
14.2 Knight of Saint Paul
14.3 Knight of Pathmos
14.4 Knight of Death
14.5 Knight of the Black Cross
14.6 Knight of Bethany
14.7 Knight of the White Cross
14.8 Knight of Saint John
14.9 Knight Priest of the Holy Sepulchre
14.10 Knight Priest of the Holy Order of Wisdom
14.11 Holy and Illustrious Order of the Cross
14.12 Knight Priest of Eleusis or Elysium
14.13 Knight of Harodim
14.14 Knight of the North
14.15 Knight of the South
14.16 Knight and Prince of the Sanctuary
14.17 Knight Grand Cross of Saint Paul
14.18 Knight of Saint John the Baptist
14.19 Knight Rosy Crucis
14.20 Knight of the Triple Cross or of the Three Crosses
14.21 Knight of the Holy Grave or of the Sepulchre
14.22 Knight of the Holy Virgin Mary
14.23 Knight of the White Cross of Torpichen
14.24 Grand Trinitarian Knight of Saint John
14.25 Knight Grand Cross of Saint John
14.26 Knight Priest of Jerusalem
14.27 Knight of Palestine
14.28 Knight of the Most Holy Cross
14.29 Knight Priest of the Tabernacle
14.30 Knight of the Redemption or of Mercy
14.31 Knight of Truth
14.32 Knight of the Red Cross of Rome
14.33 Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priest
15 York Rite Sovereign College of North America (Colleges) by Invitation of Knights Templar who are also Cryptic Rite Masons.
15.1 Knight of York
15.2 There is an inner working for the Governor of a College.
16 Convent General Knights of the York Cross of Honour (Conclaves)(open by invitation only to past presiding officers in a Craft Lodge, Royal Arch Chapter, Cryptic Rite Council and a Preceptory of Knights Templar)
16.1 Knight of the York Cross of Honour
17 Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees of Canada (Councils)(open by invitation to Royal Arch Masons)
17.1 Compulsory Degrees
17.1.1 St Lawrence the Martyr
17.1.2 Knight of Constantinople
17.1.3 Grand Tyler of Solomon
17.1.4 The Sovereign Master of a Council is first installed as the Sovereign Master of a Lodge of St Lawrence.
17.2 Optional degrees by a Council
17.2.1 Excellent Master
17.2.2 Architect
17.2.3 Grand Architect
17.2.4 Superintendent
17.2.5 Masters of Tyre
17.3 Supervised by Grand Council
17.3.1 Masonic Order of the Bath
17.3.2 Ye Antient Order of Corks
17.3.3 Royal Order of the Red Branch of Eri (see below)
18 Royal Order of the Red Branch of Eri (Faslairts) - (a Grand Council of the AMD of Canada system of Honours recognizing rank and office in the Council and in Grand Council)
18.1.1 Man at Arms (Coincides with the degree of St Lawrence the Martyr)
18.1.2 Esquire
18.1.3 Knight
18.1.4 Knight Commander (open to Installed Sovereign Master of a Council)
18.1.5 Knight Grand Cross (open to elected Grand Officer after his installation)
18.1.6 Supreme Grand Cross (open to Installed Grand Master)
19 Societas Rosicruciana (Masonic Rosicrucians - by Invitation of Master Masons) in Anglia (English Constitution)
19.1 First order (membership)
19.1.1 I° - Zelator
19.1.2 II° - Theoricus
19.1.3 III° - Practicus
19.1.4 IV° - Philosophus
19.2 Second Order (College Officer)
19.2.1 Vº - Adeptus Minor
19.2.2 VI° - Adeptus Major
19.2.3 VII° - Adeptus Exemptus
19.3 Third Order (Grand Officer)
19.3.1 VIII° - Magister
19.3.2 IX° - Magus in Canada (Canadian Constitution)
19.4 (as above)
20 Orders Admitting Masons and Women Related to Masons
20.1 Order of the Eastern Star
20.2 Order of the Amaranth
21 Orders for Women Related to Masons
21.1 Daughters of the Nile
21.2 White Shrine
21.3 Ladies' Oriental Shrine
22 Orders for Youths Related to Masons
22.1 De Molay (male only)
22.2 Job's Daughters (Female only)
Nanaimo News Bulletin: Nanaimo Freemasons open doors at their lodge (PHOTO) - 29/07/2017
Theeducator.ca: Circumambulation & it’s Significance - 24/02/2017
Hereford Times: No Council Members declared as Freemasons - 28/07/2016
Victoria News: Oddfellows hand out bursaries - 28/10/2014
Victoria Labour Council: Solidarity Workshop - 26/10/2014
National Post: The Jonas Salk tribute from Google is rich with irony - 28/10/2014
Lifesite: Salt and Light TV slams Cardinal Burke as being in an 'Ivory Tower' - 21/10/2014
National Post: Here’s the image Bro. Jean Charest never wanted Quebecers to see - 05/09/2014
La Presse: Jean Charest aurait rencontré Tony Accurso trois fois - 05/09/2014
CTV: Montreal's abandoned Mirabel Airport too costly to repurpose - 20/08/2014
Masonic Press of Romania: 2014 Masonic Meeting of Mercosur (in Masonic terms) - 14/08/2014
Masonic Press of Romania: Temple of Grand Lodge of Liberia closed due to Ebola virus - 02/08/2014
CBC: Sis. Alison Redford, former Alberta Masonic Premier, resigns as M.L.A. - 06/08/2014
Ottawa Citizen: Author Michael Baigent lost lawsuit over Da Vinci Code - 29/06/13
CBC: Bro. Baird stayed at official residences on London, NYC vacations - 20/06/13
Victoria Times-Colonist: Faith Forum: What’s in a parade? - 31/05/13
Times of Israel: Canada’s oldest synagogue celebrates 150 - Philip Flash & Lewis Lewis - 30/05/13
Montreal Gazette: Masons: A society rich in symbolism - Masonic Memorial Temple - 17/05/13
Toronto Star - Three pastors accused of $8.6-million fraud - 'The Masonic Church of God' - 03/05/13
National Post removes name of 'Church' from article... - 03/05/13
Big News Network: Why is Queen Elizabeth’s Nurse Wearing a Masonic Belt? - 08/03/13
Vigilent Citizen: Why is Queen Elizabeth’s Nurse Wearing a Masonic Belt? - 05/03/13
Front Page Magazine: How the Communist Left Killed Free Speech in the West - 05/03/13
Acton Institute: When Free Speech Died in Canada - 04/03/13
National Post: Andrew Coyne - The Supreme Court's calamitous ruling - 27/02/13
Godlike Productions Board: 'Jacko The Freemason' Phonevid MTV Studio Toronto - 23/07/12
CBC: Regina Masons won't make way for library expansion - 28/05/12
Niagara This Week: Masons to hold child protection session - MasoniCh.I.P. program - 22/09/11
Cambridge Record: Circus not welcome by all members of Cambridge town council - 26/05/11
Bro. Lilley: Tory crime bill an attack on our liberty - The Internet Police
Lifesite - Ontario study: Over 60% of teen pregnancies are aborted - 08/03/2011
Globe and Mail: The Tempest - Shakespeares Masonic Play - 02/08/10
Buffalo News: Ex-deputy charged in Jesters case - 09/06/10
Toronto Star - The next code - 28/08/09
Montreal Gazette: Masonic temple in limbo, Quebec town removes historical designation - 14/07/09
Canada - Niagara Falls Review - Dispelling the myth of the Masons - 9/03/09
Canada - Prince George Citizen - Order Of The Eastern Star Princess Tea - 7/03/09
Niagara Falls Review - The Mystery of the Masons - 7/03/09
Dwindled Ontario Masonic Lodges Amalgamate - 26/09/08
Follow the Airbus money, former Bro. Brian Mulroney aide tells committee - 05/02/08
Bro. Schreiber extradition reprieve could lead to bail - 30/11/07
It's hard these days to be a Freemason - 29/09/07
Canadian Freemasonry face's membership challenges - 08/08/07
Shriners' Hillbilly Parade - 19/08/07
Canada - Manitoba Legislature - Disguised Pagan Temple? - 15/01/07
Book Review: Shadow People - Inside History's Most Notorious Secret Societies - 27/05/06
CBC: Bro. Harper Nominated 'well connected' Tory Rothstein for Supreme Court - 23/02/06
Shows to Explore Freemasonry - 23/11/05
Peta attempts to stop Shriner Circus - 24/08/05
Ruffians steal Shriner go-kart fleet - 12/08/05
Shriner Clown To Be Jailed For Sexual Abuse Of Daughter, Sister-in-Law - 25/03/05
Ontario Freemasons celebrate 150 years - 07/02/05
Ontario Freemasonry Celebrates 150 Years - 08/09/04
Who knew Freemasonry could be so funny? It's just not a joke. - 01/04/04
Albert Pike fingered in Knights of the Golden Circle Confederate Gold Canadian Caper - 10/07/03
Despite their rituals, Shriners shy away from spiritual nature - 28/06/02
Vancouver becomes a Shriner's paradise - 24/06/02
The Shriners' $30-million visit - 22/06/02
U.S. seizes $9M from Conrad Black
Tycoon Black now Lord of Crossharbour - 01/11/01
Old-style Circus called Passé - 01/08/01
Shriner's Bash a Crime? Police Investigation, Imperial Potentate Turnipseed 'Aghast' - 31/01/01
Shriner's Disbanded after Reports of Sex Acts at Dinner - 31/01/01
Shriner's Unit Disbanded After Naughty Party - 30/01/01
Montreal Protesters try to stop Shrine Circus - 28/08/00
Manitoba Shriner's Disbanded after Reports of Sex Acts at Dinner
Sudbury Ontario teens to picket when Shrine Circus comes to town
Newfoundland Masonic Hall given historic designation - 16/01/07
Blogger defies press ban Reveals Canadian Liberal Party corruption
Liberal Sponsorship Scandal Breaks Wide Open with Brault Testimony at Gomery Inquiry
B.C. premier quits amid criminal investigation
RCMP raid B.C. premier's office
RCMP Reveal Wiretap of BC Premier Glen Clark's House
RCMP Raid The Home of BC’S Premier
Schreiber: The man who would topple kings
Bro. Black's Neocon 'Chickenhawk' Empire
Tycoon Black now Lord of Crossharbour
The Mackenzie King/Leon Trotsky Affair
It's a small world. And Mr. Strong knows everybody in it
"He's a Spooky Guy" - Maurice Strong's longterm ties to the Martin Family
Stephen Harper New Bilderberg Boy
Proof that Paul Bernardo was a Freemason in 'The Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada in Ontario'
Freemason 'Conservative' leader votes against bill banning coerced abortion
Colour Symbolism in Freemasonry
Freemasonry's secret misuse of taxpayers funds in the construction of the Manitoba Legislature
The Trilateral Commission: David Rockefeller, Founder - Trilateral.org
Further Reading:
'Global' Freemasonry - A Certain Point Within A Circle - The Masonic 'Family'