Date: Mon, 22 May 2006
From: "Barry Chamish"
Subject: to go
IT'S TIME TO GO, by Barry Chamish
If any of my readers haven't heard from me for the past three
weeks, it's because I've been dying. On the night of Independence Day, I
was driving home from Jerusalem when I was hit head-on
by a so far unknown driver. Except for eight seconds when the brave
ambulance drivers from ZAKA permitted me to use the phone to call home.,
I remember almost nothing for the next four days.
But other people helped me put it together. Visitors such as Iris
Mersel, were forcibly removed from near my presence while I was forced to
fight for my life. My body was punctured in the chest and lungs and in
fact I had reached the point of traumatic shock.I was barely kept alive
by one lung which had turned atelectic. When the lung chose to breath
out, my body chose to die, or look a lot like it.
I am not going to tell you my suspicions as I hadn't after my recent
stroke, But the police are putting up every barrier to an honest
investigation by my insurance company and my attorney Dov
Even Or.
During my time in the hospital, Baruch from Kedumim persuaded me that
I had to leave the country to save my life and prevent tragedy to my
I know he is right and I plan to take a year off to write the ultimate
book on popular Judaism...
if there is somewhere for me to go.
Over the years people have offered me places to stay that is their
home. I have rejected this for fear of smelling like a stale fish. At this
moment I am invited to Toronto for the same reasons, and am rejecting
the offer for the same pretexts.
There are two options; one is you find a way to invite me which I pay
for through a lecture. The
second is that I'm offered work in Canada where I hold citizenship. If
you can help me, phone me at 011-97289752937.
After coming home from the hospital I received over three thousands
e-mails and dozens of phone calls. To the e-mails I say be patient. To
the phone callers, please call again.
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006
From: "Barry Chamish"
Subject: 9-11
LARRY PULLS IT, by Barry Chamish
I was in Cyprus for five days where I stayed with Jim Searcy. He had just produced a 9-11 CD and noted, "They screwed up Building 7 and UA Flight 93. If people figure those out, the scandal will fly."
I answered him, "They're already figured out. It's the same scandal."
Jim didn't know what I was saying. And when I got home I looked on the internet. No one had put it together. I can't believe this, but you're hearing a new 9-11 fact.
Flight 93 was supposed to knock Building 7 down and the building was jammed with explosives for the moment. But instead, the plane fell in Pennsylvania so owner Larry Silverstein had to bring the building down by himself. That, or expose the demolitives for the world to see.
There, now you know. Another Sabbataian "Jew" mucking up the world.
But first some facts. Building 7 fell in a controlled demolition. Larry said so. Need I ask? Do you know how how long it takes to rig a building for a perfect fall? Larry broke the record by a few weeks, rigging his building in a few hours, while the twin towers smoldered beside him.
Yet, despite the paramount importance of the remains, they were hauled away and melted down as quickly as possible. The steel was sold to scrap metals vendors and most was soon on ships bound for China and India. Some of the smaller pieces and a few token large pieces of steel marked 'save' were allowed to be inspected at Fresh Kills landfill by FEMA's BPAT volunteers. Officials running the "cleanup operation" took pains to make sure the structural steel didn't end up anywhere but in blast furnaces. They installed GPS locater devices on each of the trucks hauling loads from Ground Zero at a cost of $1000 each.
Questions about the highly suspicious nature of the building's collapse remained comparatively muted until January 2004, when a PBS documentary, America Rebuilds, originally broadcast in September 2002, received attention across the Internet.
The documentary was made infamous for one comment made by Larry Silverstein on the subject of 9/11. Silverstein states, "I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it. And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."
For a building to collapse into its own footprint, as WTC 7 did, ALL of the load bearing members must fail at the exact same moment. This is achieved in controlled demolitions.
Meanwhile, Flight 93 had to be shot down. It's nose was found eight miles from the tail in a Pennsylvania field. Such stories were made up to explain the mess! The terrorists let the toughest guys get together to use their personal handsets to call home. Someone heard, "Let's get rolling, boys." They rushed the cockpit and saved the nation.
Except cellphones don't work from 35,000 feet up.
CeeCee Lyles husband said that he saw the caller ID, Ed Felt had called from a bathroom, and Airphone cords don't reach that far.
As a matter of fact, in a bathroom, one would expect that it would be harder to make a call, probably bringing down the power about in 1/2 (3dB).
Ted Olson first said that Barbara had used a cell phone, then he said she was in the bathroom, then he said she forgot her purse and had to borrow a credit card from someone to make an airphone call. his story kept changing.
If you look at the flight maps, most of the calls for flight 93 "should" have been made at 35,000ft or even above.
And who were the select passengers on board? Pretty unusual and tiny group, no?
Flight 93 had only forty four people in total, including four suspected hijackers. Thirty
seven passengers (excluding crew) on a plane that holds around two hundred people
23 of those (at least) bought tickets at the last minute !
also several people came from flight 91 that was cancelled.
Did ANYONE buy tickets for flight 93 ahead of time???
In 1980 Larry Silverstein won a bid to buy the last undeveloped parcel from the Port Authority of New York.
The Port Authority is not a municipal property. It was founded by and owned by the Rockefeller family.
When the attacks occurred, Silverstein was at home debating with his wife about plans to move his headquarters to the 88th floor of the North Tower. His son Roger was at 7 World Trade Center but was not hurt.
This, of course, was a lie. He was not debating his wife and his son was out of danger.
How concerned should we be therefore that Silverstein Properties bought the lease from MetLife for Chicago's Sears Tower in March 2004?
We should be extremely concerned.
Following the attacks, Silverstein was awarded an insurance payment of more than three and a half billion dollars to settle his seven-week-old insurance policy[3]. In addition, the Silverstein group sued the insurers liable for the World Trade Center for another three and a half billion dollars, claiming that by an obscure clause in their contract, the two planes constituted two separate terrorist attacks[4]. In total, Silverstein was awarded nearly $7.2 billion in insurance money following the destruction of the Twin Towers[5].
No point losing, now is there?
We now get to Larry's politics. What do we discover? His first customer for the new Building 7 is a Chinese revolutionary. Larry may have owned the WTC inside, but the outside concourse was Israeli. And who did Larry support in the last Israeli election but the king of chopping Israel to nothing,
the great, now-headless, Ariel Sharon.
He is, by most accounts, an unusual businessman, especially in China. He stresses vision and serving his country as much as the bottom line. He said his real interests were history, Marx, Hegel and Mao.
Then there are the pictures of Che Guevara and Yasser Arafat in his office. He explained that they were both revolutionaries, emphasizing that he admired Mr. Arafat's discipline and courage, not his politics.
"He spent his whole life trying to achieve one thing," Mr. Feng said. "He had great determination; real perseverance."
On September 12, 2001, The Jerusalem Post reported: “Frank Lowy, who emigrated to Australia from Israel in 1952, owns the 99-year lease for the 425,000 square foot retail portion of the destroyed World Trade Center…Westfield said today that it has insurance cover against terrorist attacks and its earnings will not be materially affected.”
A report by Israel's Channel Ten television reporter Raviv Drucker last night provided a detailed report on the Sunday night affair. He related how the organizer and hostess - NIna Rosenwald - sent letters to selected invitees asking for $10,000 per person or couple, and how the 5th Avenue location was closed off for over an hour for what the police described as a "top secret" reason. Only the 15 invited couples were permitted to enter Rosenwald's apartment, after having paid the minimum amount in advance.
Rosenwald is a member of the CFR (Council of Foreign Relations).
Among the participants at the dinner were World Trade Center insurance beneficiary Larry Silverstein.
A reporter asked Silverstein on his way out if Sharon had thanked him for his donation. Silverstein replied, "No. But it's not necessary; we're here to support the man."
It's simply a God-awful world for Jews and those who know our history is divine. It's even worse because anti-semites can have a field day and not have a clue how dumb they are. Silverstein can call himself as Jew, but he is working for the Sabbataian/Frankist fold. They hate Judaism and use all their power to make it disappear into the worship of the anti-Jewish fiend, Shabbtai Tzvi.
For, this they created Israel.
But Israel turned religious and that had to be stopped. So the religious began to "disengage." And the more Israel's religious are drawn into the mainstream, the more Iraq, and Afghanistan and Iraq explode.
Even though it's staring the anti-semites in the face, they don't get it. Their closest ally in the Middle East is not the Arabs, who despise them thoroughly, and it is surely not the Israeli peace camp, leading the nation to permanent disengagement and taking the world with it.
It's those right-wing, religious Israeli Jews.
So, by being too dumb to sort it out, the anti-semites are letting Larry and his New World Order buddies get away with anything they want.
And only one brilliant site on the whole internet figured the whole thing out:
NAMES: Leon Fuerth, Andrew Gitlin, Larry Silverstein, Maurice Hank Greenberg, Henry Kissinger, Rahm Emanuel, Ariel Sharon
THEORY: People like Fuerth, Emanuel (U.S. Mossad chief in the Clinton era and White House Rasputin), Kissinger, Gitlin, Greenberg, Silverstein, Sharon are reputedly leaders of a homosexual satanic underground (at least its relatively small Jewish division, overshadowed by its much larger non-Jewish division). They are false Jews. From their midst allegedly came the impulse to assassinate the Israeli Prime Minister and peace dove Yitzhak Rabin, the impulse to provoke the still ongoing Second Intifada in Palestine in fall 2000, and the re-emergence of the known serial murderer and terrorist Ariel Sharon. Sharon was elected Prime Minister of Israel on February 6, 2001 in a special election. This grouping sent several prominent members into the informal committee(s) that perpetrated 9-11 on America. There are multiple links to the second-generation Meyer Lansky crime syndicate. A note of clarification: I am NOT saying ”it was the Jews”, and do not quote me thus.
I could have added, from the moment Larry was informed Building 7 HAD to come down because its flight wasn't arriving, to the present day... but I held back. Still, look at the connections. July 11 of last year saw London under attack. And who was there but Rudy Guliani and Binyamin Netanyahu. Were they in town to observe the reaction? Guliani for sure.You needed a mayor to run 9-11. That's why they made him a knight. I'll say Netanyahu too on gut reaction.
This report, repeated by, added that the Israeli Embassy in London was notified in advance, resulting in Foreign Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remaining in his hotel room rather than make his way to the hotel adjacent to the site of the first explosion, a Liverpool Street train station, where he was to address an economic summit.?
The Frankist Michael Chertoff kept New Orleans wet and thirsty for as long as he could, and his
cousin kept the 9-11 critics stupid.
'Who is Benjamin Chertoff, the senior researcher at Popular Mechanics who is behind the article? American Free Press has learned that he is none other than a cousin of Michael Chertoff, the new Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. This means that Hearst paid Benjamin Chertoff to write an article supporting the seriously flawed explanation that is based on a practically non-existent investigation of the terror event that directly led to the creation of the massive national security department his cousin now heads.
I saw much this week. Driving in the backwoods of Cyprus looking for bass lakes, I saw the future the British military has built there. I drove by a brand new prison far from the people and as big as a good-sized town.
But nothing was as upsetting as my son and I spending 10 minutes at Israeli passport control, coming and going, and watching the policewomen reading all about me and receiving instructions by phone on what to do about me.
I'm now convinced the Israeli authorities are committed to shutting me down. I may help them along a bit. It is clear enough after ten years that not one person anywhere has the courage to fund what I know to save the Jews.
And that is a huge mistake because 9-11 may come out and the Jews will be blamed with the Frankist/Sabbataians. More worrisome, they will be disengaged to uselessness while the nation is buried in missiles.
There are so many wonderful options. When will it stop??
Take the next ad and reduce it to $40 for five. It's time to start moving on.
Til the end of the holiday 5 OF ANYTHING FOR $40
English Books:
Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin
Save Israel
Last Days Of Israel
Israel Betrayed
Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006
From: "Barry Chamish"
Subject: a few
NOW A FEW WORDS FROM by Barry Chamish
Three weeks ago tomorrow I suffered a stroke. I actually returned from the hospital, wrote a finale text, which took me hours to write four sentences, gathered my goods in a bag and returned to the hospital. There I dealt with life's newest twists.
Three weeks ago I smoked 2 packs a day. Today, nothing. Alcohol is a fed to me three ounces a week. And finally I can move my right hand enough to compose a short piece. A very short piece which will be answered by much shorter replies.
In a typical day I read and reply to about 150 letters. I can do this by reading the letters and answering each in as few as two or three sentences. Even that's too much for now. Since I still have to spell out the replies, let's prepare for another week or two of very concise correspondence.
So let's get to the point; there is nothing to write about anyway. There are elections taking place in Israel and no one could give a damn. Ariel Sharon was murdered and the murderers will take over the country. On Dec. 18 he shared tea with Shimon Peres in the Knesset and was wheeled into the hospital a half hour later by the murderer of Yitzhak Rabin, Yoram Rubin.
There Sharon was poisoned. Though he suffered from CAA, or weak brain blood vessels, he was diagnosed with a mild stroke and sent to his Negev home with blood thinners. On Jan. 3 Ehud Olmert was the last person to see him alive. Sharon granted Olmert three hours the next morning to be prime minister and then Olmert applied the poison.
So that's the situation. Olmert, who was never even Likud member number 40 is now number one in Kadima and Peres in number two. They have plastered together a party of political criminals, all of whom with join together to destroy Judea and Samaria when the new government it leads begins to function.
I put out a new product this week beginning with an ad in B'Sheva, the settlers' news outlet. It is a two hour tape I recorded last month in Kiryat Arba. I spell out the elections, how Olmert and Peres took control of a phoney party, and how they will force with country to accept the pullout from Judea and Samaria after.
After a few days I realized my mistake; no one in Judea and Samaria is going to defend their homes by actually fighting for them. Why do I think there is any point to any of this work?
Here is the real point of it all. Look at the following play that opened this week this Baltimore.
An Israeli nut wrote a play about the murder of Rabin based on not one piece of the facts. And Baltimore Jews think they are getting history in their theatres.
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006
From: "Barry Chamish"
Subject: sharon2
On December 18, Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres raised wineglasses together in the Knesset. Half an hour later, Sharon suffered a stroke. He was brought into hospital by Yoram Rubin, the bodyguard who murdered Yitzhak Rabin. On Jan. 4, Sharon returned to hospital with a massive cerebral hemorrhage and within a few hours I published my suspicions that Sharon was the victim of a second assassination attempt by the same Peres/Rubin team which had finished off Yitzhak Rabin.
Naturally my critics howled that I saw conspiracies everywhere. To their dismay, I'm certain, within a day, so did the rest of the Israeli media. How well they have been trained since the Rabin murder!
I'll let the following typical reports summarize the suspicions of foul play, then we'll return to more political mayhem in Israel:
Last update - 11:42 06/01/2006 Hospital director: Letting Sharon go to Negev farm was negligentBy Ran Reznick, Amos Harel and Aluf Benn, Haaretz Correspondents
Several senior doctors raised a host of questions Thursday about the standard of treatment Ariel Sharon has received over the last two weeks, with the director of a large hospital telling Haaretz that according to the media reports on Sharon's medical treatment, he fears "there was indescribable negligence."
The questions cover the period from Sharon's first stroke two weeks ago to his arrival Wednesday night at Jerusalem's Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Karem, where he is being treated for a severe stroke and cerebral hemorrhage. They pertain to the supervision over Sharon's physical state, following the blood-thinning medicine he received after his first hospitalization.
Such supervision is essential, as these medicines could cause a cerebral hemorrhage, like the one Sharon suffered. Questions were also raised about the dosage he received.
"Yitzhak Rabin was not wearing a bulletproof vest that could have protected him from the murderers' bullets, and now, 10 years later, Sharon was not given the required medical treatment that could have saved him," the hospital director said. "Israel has not learned the lesson from Rabin's murder, and thus lost two prime ministers because of inadequate protection - one from weapons, the other from illness. I cannot understand how the prime minister could have been sent to stay in an isolated farm, more than an hour away from the hospital he was supposed to be treated in, two weeks after a stroke and one night before a heart procedure he was afraid of."
Sharon was slated to undergo a cardiac catheterization procedure Thursday to fix a small hole between the chambers of his heart that doctors said contributed to his initial stroke.
"A night before the catheterization he should have been hospitalized in Hadassah or at least made to stay in Jerusalem," the director said. "I also have questions about the dosage of blood-thinning medication he received. My feeling is that Sharon did not get the best medical treatment he deserved."
A senior doctor told Haaretz that "Sharon's medical condition was iatrogenic - that is, induced by treatment of physicians, as it was likely that the blood-thinning medicine Sharon was receiving had caused the severe brain bleeding."
According to the doctor, "Clearly, Sharon needed complete rest at least until the catheterization, as anyone who had undergone a stroke would. But it is hard to say that Sharon's refusal to rest caused the hemorrhaging."
Another senior doctor said he suspected "Sharon's treatment was partly faulty because he fell victim to the political-media spin intended to show the public he was back to work as usual."
"He paid a high price for this spin," the doctor said. "My concern is that non-professional considerations dictated the chain of medical events. The doctors took a dangerous but calculated risk when they gave him blood-thinning drugs at home instead of in the hospital under full supervision. But he should have been kept under constant supervision and certainly not allowed to return to work as usual."
Several questions have been asked this week regarding the standard of treatment Sharon has received: How much time elapsed from the moment Sharon told his son, Gilad, he wasn't feeling well to the arrival of his personal doctor at Sycamore Ranch? Why wasn't there a doctor at his side since the first stroke, especially on the eve of the catheterization? Why wasn't Sharon taken to the hospital by helicopter? Why was he taken to the distant hospital in Jerusalem, rather than to Be'er Sheva's Soroka Medical Center? To what extent did the treatment Sharon received after the first episode account for the hemorrhaging?
Sharon's aides said nobody thought he was in danger when he left his office for Sycamore Ranch on Wednesday afternoon. The paramedic of the Shin Bet security service's VIP protection unit, who was always at his side, accompanied him.
According to the initial plan, a doctor was to be with him after the catheterization, when he returned to convalesce at the ranch.
Since his release from Hadassah on December 20, after the first incident, Sharon was frequently examined by his personal physician, Dr. Shlomo Segev, who also administered his blood tests. Sharon did not complain of pain or feeling bad.
The chief cardiologist at Hadassah, Professor Haim Lotan, who was supposed to perform the catheterization, visited his office on Tuesday. Sharon received two Claxon shots a day intended to thin his blood and prevent blood clots and a recurrent stroke. He received the last shot on Wednesday morning, so that its effect would wear off before the heart procedure.
When Sharon felt unwell on Wednesday, his personal physician was called in from the center of the country. According to one version, he arrived at the ranch just as Sharon was being put into an ambulance, and joined him on the trip. According to another version, he met the convoy at the Masmia junction on the way to Jerusalem.
Sharon's aides, who pieced the event together, said Sharon did not want to be taken to hospital. He said he was due at Hadassah for the procedure the next morning anyway. Apparently, his son, Gilad, and the Shin Bet paramedic convinced him to go anyway. Even when in the ambulance, he told Segev he wanted to turn around and go the following morning.
Segev, who refused to comment Thursday, was under the impression that Sharon had suffered another stroke, which was worse than the first one. He decided to proceed to the hospital in the ambulance rather than scramble a helicopter. He feared that the movement of the helicopter would harm Sharon more than a few more minutes in the car.
Apparently, Segev was the one who decided to take Sharon to Hadassah rather than to the closer Soroka center. The trip to the hospital took 55 minutes, during which Sharon's condition deteriorated.
Doctors asked why Sharon wasn't required to stay in his Jerusalem residence instead of the ranch, at least while he was being treated with Claxon and until the procedure to mend the hole in his heart had been performed. Why wasn't a senior doctor at his side at all times, one who could have administered immediate treatment when the deterioration began?
Some of the questions suggest that Sharon and his aides' desire to show that the prime minister had returned swiftly to his daily routine resulted in inadequate treatment and supervision.
The senior doctors asked why Sharon's physicians had not insisted that he take a significant rest after the first stroke, as they would have done with any other patient. They asked to what extent political and media considerations were involved. They also asked why the catheterization was not performed earlier.
Other questions refer to why it took about two hours from the time Sharon felt unwell at his ranch to the time he arrived at the hospital emergency room at about 11 P.M., and why he wasn't taken to Soroka for preliminary treatment at least.
Sharon's Stroke Raises Medical Questions
The Associated Press
Thursday, January 5, 2006; 4:33 PM
JERUSALEM -- Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a massive stroke in the back of an ambulance while on an hour long trip to a Jerusalem hospital, raising a host of questions about his treatment.
Why wasn't he flown to the hospital or at least driven to one closer to his home? Did doctors take an unnecessary risk by treating him with blood thinners after he had a mild stroke two weeks ago? Did they wait too long to schedule a heart procedure designed to prevent another stroke?
And perhaps most important: Could political pressures have colored his treatment?
The stroke followed a mild stroke Sharon suffered Dec. 18 that was caused by a small blood clot. Doctors at Hadassah released him less than 48 hours after that stroke and gave the 77-year-old leader blood thinners to prevent future ones. His neurologist, Dr. Tamir Ben-Hur, said "chances are excellent that he won't have another one."
On Dec. 26, doctors said they found a small hole in Sharon's heart they said had led to his mild stroke. They planned to seal the hole in a procedure scheduled for Thursday to prevent another stroke.
But on Wednesday night, Sharon complained of feeling ill and his sons and a paramedic loaded him into an ambulance that had been stationed at his ranch in the Negev Desert since the stroke. The closer Soroka Medical Center in Bersheeba was told to prepare for his arrival, but he was taken instead on the hourlong trip to Hadassah.
Sharon was conscious for most of the drive, and didn't deteriorate badly until about 15 minutes before reaching the hospital.
Some Israelis questioned whether the outcome could have been different if had he been airlifted.
"If there is an ambulance that is available at the door to the house that can leave immediately and a helicopter that still takes time to arrive, it is preferable to get moving," Dr. Zeev Feldman, a neurosurgeon at Tel Hashomer Hospital outside Tel Aviv, told Channel 2 TV.
Surgery to stop the bleeding apparently had been complicated by blood thinners Sharon took following his initial stroke, and the medication may also have contributed to the severity of Wednesday's stroke.
There you have it in a nutshell. The prime minister of a modern nation suffers a stroke and is released from hospital in two days, unsupervised by a doctor. Though he has a residence in Jerusalem, he chooses to reside on his ranch 100 miles away. When he feels ill 18 days later, he is trundled off to Jerusalem in a car, passing by a major hospital ten minutes away, so he may better enjoy a 75 minute ride to the hospital which misprescribed his original treatment. Of course, he should have been flown to hospital by helicopter, but here is the excuse why he wasn't.,7340,L-3195358,00.html
Why wasn't Sharon airlifted to hospital?
According to initial explanations, ambulance left on way to Jerusalem hospital before proposal to use chopper was raised; doctor concerned carrying Sharon to helicopter would have worsened his condition due to the change in air pressure.
Just last night I shared dinner with a group of visitors from the US. One of the party was a Colorado doctor who served in Viet Nam. He explained why the explanation was nonsense. "You fly at 300 feet following the landscape and there is no air pressure difference. When you medivac someone in Sharon's condition, you don't fly at 12,000 feet." That simple.
Now, let us examine Sharon's last moments before being rushed to the hospital. He had two appointments at his ranch. The first was with Otniel Shendler, who is not part of any murder plot but provides an interesting digression. Shendler was managing director of the Yesha Council during the Gush Katif expulsion. Sharon had invited him to join his Kadima party. Shendler gave Sharon a gift. It was a book he co-authored with Yair Hirshfeld, one of the two negotiators of the Oslo Accord. Just another piece of evidence that the Yesha Council worked hand in hand with the government to sell out Gush Katif.
The next and final meeting was with Ehud Olmert. The following day, Sharon was supposed to have undergone minor heart surgery to repair a small hole in his heart. The operation was to last 3 hours and during that time, Sharon signed the papers appointing Olmert temporary prime minister.
According to the newspaper Hashofar from the same week, Sharon was utterly opposed to Olmert as his successor and had, instead, chosen Moshe Katsav. And that may go a long way to explaining why Olmert was so concerned about receiving the temporary transfer of powers authorization from Sharon himself in the Negev Desert, when the very same papers could have been faxed to him in his Jerusalem office.
Yediot Ahronot on Jan. 5, published a revealing account of the meeting.
Olmert then entered the room. "Arik," he said, "There are a few matters I want to handle
while I'm serving as temporary prime minister." Sharon retorted, "I thought so. I'll transfer
my authority to you but I remind you it's only for three hours. Do you understand? You will
deal with no one and take care of nothing without me."
Within minutes of the stern warning to Olmert, Sharon was stricken and taken by the picturesque route to Jerusalem. And who was there to make sure things went as planned?:
Embedded in the lead story on today:
"No politicians have been permitted to visit Sharon, but Shimon Peres was
to have been the first one, had Sharon not been taken to the operating room."
By January 11, Olmert had announced his intention of inviting Shimon Peres to sit in his
new government cabinet.
It may be instructive to look at the three days leading to Sharon's demise. As my readers know, Sharon was a longtime agent of Henry Kissinger and the Council On Foreign Relations. Two days before his fall, Sharon agreed to put their plans into final action:
Sharon’s New Plan: Uproot Towns in Judea and Samaria in Exchange for American Compensation
12:06 Jan 02, '06 / 2 Tevet 5766
and in Hebrew:
( The Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv reports that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is planning on replacing the U.S. backed road map peace proposal with a new plan that would uproot Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria in exchange for American compensation.
Sharon reportedly would implement his new plan despite any deterioration in Israel’s security situation due to an upsurge of terrorism from the Palestinian Authority.
Details of Sharon’s new plan were reported by sources close to former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
The day before his demise, Sharon put the plan into action:
"Security Forces Handing Out Expulsion Order to Jews Living in Reclaimed Hevron Marketplace in 15 Minutes." Dateline= 08:35 Jan 03, '06.
On the day his brain was drowning in blood, Sharon was implicated in a scandal that seemed guaranteed to fell him politically. Police had found evidence in the Schlaff family computers that Sharon had accepted a $3 million bribe from casinos owner Martin Schlaff via his frontman, Cyril Kern. We may safely assume that in return for the bribe, Sharon promised Schlaff a new money-laundering casino somewhere in his realm, but widely reported to be in the former Gush Katif. After he was struck down, the police began to reconsider their intentions:
Police said Sunday they would reevaluate continuing their investigation into bribery allegations against Prime Minister Ariel Sharon due to his health condition. Police said that it was still too early to tell if the case would be closed but that the possibility would be considered.
The investigation - dubbed the Cyril Kern loan affair - focuses on the nature of several money transfers made to the Sharon family by South African businessman Cyril Kern.
Police suspect that Kern served as a front for Martin Schlaff - an Austrian-Jewish businessman - and that the money was meant to serve as a bribe to the prime minister.
Apparently, a possible police reevaluation wasn't comforting enough for Cyril Kern, who on Jan. 8 flew all the way from South Africa to be at Sharon's side. From Maariv, Jan. 10:
Ariel Sharon's friend Cyril Kern arrived in the country to be by him. Kern arrived at Hadassah
hospital two days ago and went to the seventh floor where the Prime Minister is interned.
Sharon family sources explained that as soon as he heard Sharon was fighting for his life, he felt
he had to be by his side... According to a State Comptroller's report, Sharon's son Gilad accepted
an illegal 4.7 million shekel loan from Kern...Kern was not allowed to see the prime minister in his
room but did meet with his sons for an update of the situation.
Would it be too forward to suggest that one of the messages Kern delivered to the Sharon boys was, "You keep your mouths shut, or else."
An observation I made on a number of radio interviews is how the world media is misreporting the so-called outpouring of grief for Sharon. On Jan. 8, Israel TV News reported that "dozens of Israelis had gathered at the Western Wall to say prayers for the prime minister." A whole, "dozens." Another media report also noted the striking lack of public grief for Sharon:
It is noteworthy that virtually every interview on public television and radio begins with the interviewee saying that he is "praying for Sharon's full recovery." Most interviewees and their interviewers even add that they "join the entire country" in praying for the Prime Minister. As news of Sharon's operation became known, Army Radio reported that "spontaneous prayer quorums" had sprouted up at the Western Wall to pray for Sharon. This appeared to be a case of wishful thinking, however, as web-photos of the holy site, backed up by eyewitness testimony, showed very sparse attendance at the Wall - except for several press photographers making a rare visit and photographing the worshipers from various angles.
When I report on the wave of political assassinations in Israel, there is always initial widespread skepticism. But it's just a matter of time before the facts come out verifying my assertions. Recall my disbelief that Raful Eitan was swallowed by a giant wave. Now look at the flimsy coverup which took place last week. I'll let my correspondent speak for me. It seems Raful just never took a hint, as his wife explains in a Haaretz interview:
"And he died at the age of 75, one misty morning in August, suddenly, for no reason.
"That is perhaps the death that he could have wished for. This may be a secret, but Raful simply never knew how to swim. And he was almost deaf, but was vehemently opposed to wearing a hearing aide. It was simply contrary to his facade as a man. And what is a man? It's someone who overcomes life. And Raful did not hear the wave that sneaked up behind him, and he was dragged into a stormy sea. Did you expect Raful to wear a hearing aid? {shlomo comment: a widow's delusional grief}
"You know what? There were portents of his death. He had already lost three cars during the last year and a half of his life, during which he was responsible for the building of the port. He drove with them in the mornings onto the pier in Ashdod, and they were swept away and hit by the waves. I'm sure that he died in the place where, had he been asked, he would have wanted.."
Barry? three cars taken by waves in 1 1/2 years? doesn't this imply several things:
(1) why would he park in a place where he already lost 3 cars (if it was the same place), especially considering the stormy day?
(2) what kind of "parking place" could have this type of wave action? I lived near the shore and I never recall any car being "swept by waves" and certainly not 3 in a year and half.
(3) this story is so convenient....needed hearing aid to hear wave "sneaking up on him" and could not swim...
(4) another part of article ( his widow explains how upset he was about Sharon and the corruption overtaking this country...
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2006
From: "Barry Chamish"
Subject: stroke
So we will not be caught off guard as was the case in Yitzhak Rabin's murder, here is the background to Ariel Sharon's second stroke. Be prepared to think this time around:
The First Stroke
Dec. 19 Prime Minister Sharon shares drinks with Shimon Peres in the Knesset. Within half an hour, Sharon is driven to hospital unconscious. It took him a day before he could even spell his own name.
He was brought into the hospital by his bodyguard, Yoram Rubin. As a good chunk of Israel knows today, it was the Peres-Rubin team that murdered Yitzhak Rabin. When Rubin was shown on television news accompanying Sharon's stretcher, suspicions spread throughout the country.
For two days, Sharon remained in hospital where he underwent intensive tests. We may ask, how did they miss the blood clot that struck Sharon barely two weeks later?
The timing of Sharon's latest stroke is uncanny. It occurred one day after he was implicated in an enormous scandal. For those unaware of the background to the scandal, peruse the following:
Recently, police have revealed the possibility that Kern served as a front man for Martin Schlaff, a known friend of Sharon’s and an Austrian-Jewish businessman heavily invested in Israel, and that he was the man who stood behind the “loan” in order to receive favors from the prime minister in the form of reopening the casino he owns in Jericho.
From Jan. 4/05
POLICE : EVIDENCE Police Say There´s Evidence Linking Sharon to $3 Million Bribe
CHANNEL TEN REPORTING The police say they know of evidence linking PM Ariel Sharon to the receipt of a $3 million bribe. So reported Channel Ten tonight, causing a storm of reaction and calls for Sharon to resign.
CYRIL KERN & MARTIN SLEEP The investigation of the money trail to Sharon has been underway for over three years, and in fact was first publicized before the last national election, in 2003. The case is known as the Cyril Kern affair, named for the South African friend of Sharon who served as a conduit for the money. The source of the cash, however, has long been suspected to be Austrian millionaire and Jericho casino owner Martin Schlaf. The police say the money was used partially to help Sharon pay back campaign contributions that he had received illegally in 1999, and partly for the Sharon family's private use.
SCHLAF'S PARENTS LIVING IN ISRAEL Because of the suspicions hanging over him, Schlaf has refrained from visiting Israel of late. His brother James, however, came for a visit two weeks ago - and the police jumped at the opportunity. They raided his parents' home in Israel, and confiscated documents and two laptop computers. However, the police were not permitted to extricate the information on the computers without James' permission - which he refused to give.
SCHLAF'S BROTHER JAMES : SUSPICIOUS BEHAVIOUR Schlaf's behavior aroused the suspicion of the police, which turned urgently to the courts and said that the computer files will show that the $3 million was in fact passed as a bribe to Ariel Sharon or his sons. The police therefore say that it is imperative for them to be allowed to enter the computers in order to extricate vital evidence in the Kern-Sharon affair.
James Schlaf, aware of the developments, has since given his permission for the police to peruse his computer files.
Schlaf's lawyer Atty. Navot Tel-Tzur said there was actually nothing new in the case "except for the fact that there is a laptop computer involved." He expressed anger at the leak.
END OF SHARON'S POLITICAL CAREER MK Roman Bronfman (Meretz): "If the police have evidence of Sharon's corruption, he must end his political career."
Dec. 21 - James Schlaff flies to Israel. He is immediately investigated by the police.
Jan. 3 - The police investigation is leaked to Channel 10 television reporter Baruch Kra.
Jan. 4 - Sharon is in the midst of a career-ending scandal until the late evening when
he is struck down by a life-threatening blood clot in his brain.
Tonight, in Vienna, some of the heroes of this affair, and of the next one, will meet at the huge bat-mitzvah celebration of Martin Schlaff’s granddaughter. Dov Weisglass, Schlaff’s old friend and lawyer will be there. Haim Ramon, another close friend, will also attend. There will be many others. Some of them from amongst the political, social, and economic elite of Israel. Avigdor Lieberman, for example. No one is embarrassed by it. Some are even proud of it. In another time, another place, one could consider it collusion, coordinating testimonies. After all, Schlaff’s name has recently been tied in to that other affair: “the Cyril Kern affair”. Schlaff, in case you’ve forgotten, is one of the owners of the casino in Jericho.
A live Sharon will have to face prosecution for the Kern-Schlaff bribes, even in Israel's thoroughly corrupt legal system. A dead Sharon will not have to face prosecution. And that would be just fine for the creme de la creme of the country's political leadership.
The first impression is that Sharon survived the first attempt on his life. In reaction, James Schlaff immediately flew to Israel with evidence to bring the prime minister down in scandal. Somehow, the police were tipped off and immediately confiscated the evidence. Once the investigation was done, the results were leaked to the media. On the day of the second stroke, the scandal spread fast, threatening to engulf many of the country's political elite in deep corruption. By 11 PM, Sharon was bleeding heavily from the throat and his prognosis was a living or real death.
Further Reading:
The Morgan Report - A 9/11 Commission & War on Terror Retrospective?