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Is American President Barrack Obama a Freemason?

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Is Barrack Obama a frremason

In American president, Barrack Obama a freemason?

Dec 03, 2012


Lagos: Nigeria

This is one question that has been generating and will still continue to generate controversies across the globe.

In March 5, 2007, an anonymous poster on www.abovetopsecret.com claimed to have sat in a Lodge with Obama. The wildfire and unsubstantiated rumors, which started then is still spreading, even when Obama has been re-elected to rule America for the second term.

Research online also shows that at a discussion forum held at Bosnian on May 6, 2007, another anonymous claim, this time that Obama was a 32nd degree freemason.

The text of this second post was conflated with a news story from the 28 December 2007 Des Moines Register, and within a year over a hundred websites—many of them Christian, all of them anti-Masonic—were reporting that "Jason Clayworth, Register Staff Writer" wrote that "One of their most famous members, and also a 32nd degree Prince Hall Mason, became a US presidential candidate for 2008. His name is Barack Hussein Obama."

Always anonymous posters, who do not have the guts to come out with facts on the membership or otherwise of Obama being a freemason. This is unfair, fraudulent and uncalled for.

Hear Jason Clayworth, reporting on Obama's 27 December 2007 speaking engagement at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center in Des Moines, does not mention or even imply that Obama was a freemason.

The easily demonstrated fraudulent nature of this internet posting has not stopped it from being widely repeated. For example, with no citation, on 14 February 2008, Richard Syrett, a Toronto radio host, claimed that Barack Obama was a 32nd degree freemason.

On 2 June 2008, when Charles Ommanney's photograph appeared in Newsweek magazine, the conspiracy theorists believed they had their proof. But, while it is true that one of the unidentified hands wears a Masonic ring, there is no reason to conclude that the hands were Obama's.

Almost two years later, tenacious anti-mason "Freemasonry Watch", in his blog of 19 February 2009, reported the 2007 message from the still anonymous poster who had claimed to have sat in lodge with Obama, citing this as conclusive proof that Obama was a freemason.

Neither the Grand Lodge of Illinois, nor the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Illinois has any record that Obama was made a freemason. The American president has never said that he was a freemason. There are no photographs of him in Masonic regalia

In Nigeria, some so-called fanatical born again Christians, religious bodies and publications, are desperate to run down fraternal organizations they know little or nothing about.

As opposed to falsehood, propaganda and un-substantiated rumours some persons across the globe want to spread, there is nothing devilish, satanic, deadly or bad about freemason or any other fraternal organizations for that matter.

Most world leaders are members of these organizations and they use their positions, resources and connections to serve humanity. They may not be angels. You and I are not either. But, they allow good thoughts, words and deeds to guide their actions, inactions and decisions.

Before you are brainwashed by your pastor, Imam, friends, colleagues, business partners, take time out to make your independent findings on this issue and be guided by your inner-self in your decisions and utterances.

Honestly, sincerity, truthfulness, transparency, charity, accountability, openness, tolerance, humility, etc are some of the watchwords of persons who belong to these organizations.

Yes, we as human beings have our weaknesses. But, I am writing from a position of deep knowledge, not as an arm chair critic. Take it, leave it.

Whether Obama is a freemason or not is not the issue. What is important is how he is using the timeless, humanitarian and Godly principles as taught by freemason and other credible fraternal organizations to govern America.

Those desperate to run- down these organizations are simply wasting their time, resources and energy. Only God knows those who are truly, truthfully and honestly serving him. It is not about making noise, as if God is deaf. It is about doing practical works as silent as possible in service to God and humanity. May the grand architect of the universe bless all of us. So mote it be.

eeudomyahoocom is based in Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria, and is a Reporter for Allvoices.

Further Reading:

A Certain Point Within A Circle - The Masonic 'Family'