Albia Newspaper Group
Robinson named Grand Commander of Iowa Knights Templar group
June 8, 2004
Dale Robinson, of Albia, was elected and installed as Eminent Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Iowa at their Grand Conclave in Burlington on June 5.
Also elected and installed was Melvin Sickels, of Albia, as Eminent Grand Recorder, with 14 other officers from throughout the state. Robinson and Sickels are both members of Zerubbabel Commandery #68 of Albia.
All Knights Templar are members of a Masonic Lodge. Templary is the only uniformed body in Freemasonry. Though the uniform may differ from state to state, the uniform is part of Templary. For more on this story, check out the Tues., June 8, 2004 edition of the paper.
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