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Freemasonry in Chile

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Augusto PinochetSalvador Allende

Augusto Pinochet, Victory Lodge No. 15, Date of Initiation May 28, 1941
Salvador Allende, Progress Lodge No. 4, Date of Initiation October 31, 1945

.·.Pinochet took power on Sept. 11, 1973, demanding an unconditional surrender from President Salvador Allende as warplanes bombed the presidential palace in downtown Santiago. Instead, Allende committed suicide with a submachine-gun he had received as a gift from Cuban leader Fidel Castro. - Canadian Press, December 10, 2006

.·.Purportedly Allende's sub-machine gun was a AK-47 assault rifle given as a gift by Fidel Castro, which bore a golden plate engraved "To my good friend Salvador from Fidel, who by different means tries to achieve the same goals." - James Whelan, Out of the Ashes: The Life, Death and Transfiguration of Democracy in Chile

.·.Recently opened KGB files and statements by former high Soviet officials have revealed that during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, Castro begged Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev to launch nuclear-armed missiles against the U.S..

KGB archives also document extensive Soviet intelligence links with and support for Chile's late Marxist president, Salvador Allende, who was overthrown by Gen. Pinochet. The Soviets planned to turn Marxist Chile into a second Cuba. - Toronto Sun, December 17, 2006

.·.Controversy has surrounded Allende's 1933 doctoral dissertation "Mental Hygiene and Delinquency", the subject of a recent book Salvador Allende: Anti-Semitism and Euthanasia by Victor Farías says that Allende held racist, homophobic and anti-semitic views, as well as believing that mental illnesses, criminal behaviour, and alcoholism were hereditary. The Daily Telegraph (UK) reported 12 May 2005 that "Allende… wrote: 'The Hebrews are characterised by certain types of crime: fraud, deceit, slander and above all usury. These facts permits the supposition that race plays a role in crime.' Among the Arabs, he wrote, were some industrious tribes but 'most are adventurers, thoughtless and lazy with a tendency to theft'.

Farías further claims to have found evidence that Allende had tried to implement his ideas about heredity during his period as Health Minister 1939-1941, and that he received help from German Nazis E. Brücher and Hans Betzhold in drafting of an unsuccessful bill mandating forced sterilisation of alcoholics. - Wikipedia, December 15, 2006

.·. Regular Soviet contact with Allende after his election was maintained not by the Soviet Ambassador but by his KGB case officer, Svyatoslav Kuznetsov, who was instructed by the centre to “exert a favourable influence on Chilean government policy”. According to Allende’s KGB file, he “was made to understand the necessity of reorganising Chile's army and intelligence services, and of setting up a relationship between Chile’s and the USSR’s intelligence services”. Allende was said to react positively.

In October 1971, on instructions from the Politburo, Allende was given $30,000 “in order to solidify the trusted relations” with him. On December 7, in a memorandum to the Politburo, the KGB proposed giving Allende another $60,000 for what was termed “his work with [ie, bribery of] political party leaders, military commanders and parliamentarians.” - The Times, September 19, 2005

.·. Augusto Pinochets' father-in-law Osvaldo Hiriart Corvalán was initiated in la Logia Deber y Constancia No 7 de Santiago. Augusto entered la Logia Victoria No 15, on the 28 of May 1941, being 25 years old and had received the captain rank. On the 24 of October 1942 the Council of the Lodge gave the Obligatory Letter of Retirement by his absence and lack of [dues] payment. It is clear that Agusto Pinochet did not have the intellectual level to understand the principles of masonería [Freemasonry], so never assimilated nor comprehended what it was. - El Masón, 26 Abril, 2006

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Chile, Salvador, Allende, freemason, freemasons, freemason, famous
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